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Wind turbines not popular in Brittany.


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 1 -  There has been a long running battle to stop the operation of three wind turbines about 3 km from us since 2008 when they         were commissioned. They were installed too close to houses,

The operators have reached the end of the legal road of appeal after appeal and the prefect has ordered them to be dismantled + removed.


2 - A more recent development on another wind farm is again the withdrawal of permission for the continued operation of huge wind turbines at Noyal-Muzillac between Vannes and Roche Bernard. Cue a long sage of costly legal tomfoolery to follow no doubt.

These are a really monstrous blot on the landscape, they are each 180 metres high built on an 80 high plot so that's close on 800 feet high above the surrounding countryside, only recently commissioned.

The stated reason for removal seems to be that the sun behind the rotating blades creates a kaleidoscope effect on the nearby residents.


It looks from the report that the owners took a chance on building them in that location. Serve 'en right IMHO if they have to remove them by dismantling and removing the foundations.


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I saw that on TV last night.

Personally they don't bother me. In fact I would have my own private one in my garden if it would allow me live off-grid.

Normally if you live within a certain distance of a turbine you get a reduction on your electricity. I don't know how that woman who was complaining on TV heats her house, but I bet it is quite expensive whatever she uses. She won't have many options. 

Apparently though, average winds speeds have fallen since the 80's. I can't remember by how much, but it is quite staggering. Something to do with climate change. Which is quite ironic. 

As I understand it, in the future they could become quite useless. 



Edited by alittlebitfrench
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4 minutes ago, Harnser said:

Could you please explain what you mean by:-

"Normally if you live within a certain distance of a turbine you get a reduction on your electricity"

I remember when we lived rural they were going to build some turbines in some fields in out village. We were told that we would get a cheaper tariff on our electricity if they were built.

This was about 10 years ago but I am sure it is the case now. 

I will google about later. 



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