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Macron to the rescue!


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Have just read that Macron believes he will be able to negotiate with Putin and stave off the invasion of the Ukraine. Either the man is  incredibly dim or in the pocket of the Russians that he can think such a thing. Is he so arrogant as to be that stupid? He has really put it on the line this time. Will the French people see it, I doubt it. Politics and French public just doesn't seem to go together. They don't seem to live in the real world!! On verra bien!

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11 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

74 % of France want Macron out.

Yet...he is going to win.

Work that one out kids. 

I agree completely. The only hope is that Zemmour and Le Pen take equal votes in the first round and allow Pecresse into the second. The voting system in France, I think is the problem, not so much the people.

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Unfortunately, Macron seems to be the best way forward for France.

Pecresse to my mind could be a Trojan horse for the renewable power lobby.

Why?  Here's why -  https://www.ge.com/renewableenergy/about-us/meet-our-executives

Macron wants to progress the building of new nuclear power stations to replace those which are nearing the end of their lives. This is the only practical way to ensure future energy security for France IMHO.

Renewables are a dead end if you want reliable power. Windmills don't cut it when the wind doesn't blow, solar is useless at night. Ok have a few of those just to keep the green blob onside, but the real hard work gets done by the nukes.

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25 minutes ago, Harnser said:

Unfortunately, Macron seems to be the best way forward for France.

Pecresse to my mind could be a Trojan horse for the renewable power lobby.

Why?  Here's why -  https://www.ge.com/renewableenergy/about-us/meet-our-executives

Macron wants to progress the building of new nuclear power stations to replace those which are nearing the end of their lives. This is the only practical way to ensure future energy security for France IMHO.

Renewables are a dead end if you want reliable power. Windmills don't cut it when the wind doesn't blow, solar is useless at night. Ok have a few of those just to keep the green blob onside, but the real hard work gets done by the nukes.

I suppose my thoughts are coloured by Macron's behaviour towards the U.K. though I don't necessarily agree that Macron is the best hope for France. I agree completely about nuclear, I too believe it is the only way, not only for France but for all countries. I Doubt that once the lights start going out any politician will stick with the 'green' alternative. I would prefer Pecresse or even Zemmour to Macron in all honesty.

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You have to admit that Pecresse suddenly emerging from obscurity to becoming a presidential candidate is more than a little suspicious.

Hubby is a globalist - You dont get to be vice-president of a GE company without being a globalist.

GE Renewable Energy

France plays a major role for GE Renewable Energy: it hosts the global headquarters of GE Renewable Energy and three of its divisions: GE Hydro, GE Grid Solutions and GE Offshore Wind. GE Renewable Energy also has six main industrial sites in France, including a new wind turbine blade factory, which opened in Cherbourg in 2019. It is in France that GE builds the Haliade-X, the most powerful offshore wind turbine in the world, whose blades of 107 meters are the longest ever built in the industry.


"I Doubt that once the lights start going out any politician will stick with the 'green' alternative"

Switzerland is sticking with greeness and warning that the lights might go out.





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In order to run in the public voting bit,  candidates need 500 ‘parrainages’ which are people of good standing such as mayors and some others, including, as far as I can see, the mayor’s dog! Thus far, only Macron has reached the sacred number. Extreme candidates seem to be doing very badly, Pécresse is coming up on the rail, Hidalgo seems to be running a good third but my dear old Poutou seems to having problems getting over the fences.

Their representatives will be doing the rounds seeking to twist arms, bribe, seduce and whatever else they can to get signatures. Which will then be checked. I must ask our mayor if he has been approached.


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19 hours ago, Harnser said:

You have to admit that Pecresse suddenly emerging from obscurity to becoming a presidential candidate is more than a little suspicious.

Hubby is a globalist - You dont get to be vice-president of a GE company without being a globalist.

GE Renewable Energy

France plays a major role for GE Renewable Energy: it hosts the global headquarters of GE Renewable Energy and three of its divisions: GE Hydro, GE Grid Solutions and GE Offshore Wind. GE Renewable Energy also has six main industrial sites in France, including a new wind turbine blade factory, which opened in Cherbourg in 2019. It is in France that GE builds the Haliade-X, the most powerful offshore wind turbine in the world, whose blades of 107 meters are the longest ever built in the industry.


"I Doubt that once the lights start going out any politician will stick with the 'green' alternative"

Switzerland is sticking with greeness and warning that the lights might go out.





I still doubt the politicians will stick to their green credentials once the lights do start going out, even Swiss politicians! Switzerland is sticking to 'Green polices' at least for the moment. The country imports over half its electricity and is in the process of shutting its nuclear capacity. It is the reducing of that importation which may cause electricity cutouts. It seems extremely unlikely that Switzerland will be able to make up the shortfall by windmills and solar. Unless Germany and the others in the EU who supply Switzerland can carry on doing so, despite their own shortages, then almost certainly Switzerland will suffer. Once the lights go out......! Switzerland has been extremely lethargic regarding power; simply relying on others to a greater degree than most. Politicians will have to adjust just as Germany id doing with more coal fired power stations, Green policies obviously come second when the crunch comes.

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2 hours ago, Lehaut said:

Watched Munich on Sunday night.  Gives a cold chill down the spin seeing Macron coming back waving a (metaphorical) piece of paper.

He would look rather ridiculous should (when?) Russia invades the Ukraine. Putin has probably played Macron  like a violin! Macron, so full of self importance , believes he has accomplished something but Putin is no ones poodle!

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It would seem that Macron has, after talking to Biden, sold the Ukraine down the drain! The press report that it seems likely the Ukraine will be forced to adopt an agreement made in 2015 which, in effect, gives Putin all that he wants. That Macron has done this without consulting the rest of NATO is scandalous  and stinks to high heaven. It may be true that he and Biden agreed on this, on the other hand maybe that isn't the case and therefore the stink gets worse! 

Britain isn't complicit and I doubt the other NATO nations are though German interests in a settlement  are paramount. My guess is that France, Germany and the USA have thrown the Ukraine to the wolves. The USA, which essentially is NATO, has made Macron the stalking horse. He, of course, is looking for the plaudits and it suits the USA and particularly Germany to allow this egomaniac to claim he has accomplished peace. What a stinking world politics is!

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On 07/02/2022 at 12:49, Harnser said:

You have to admit that Pecresse suddenly emerging from obscurity to becoming a presidential candidate is more than a little suspicious.

Hubby is a globalist - You dont get to be vice-president of a GE company without being a globalist.

GE Renewable Energy

France plays a major role for GE Renewable Energy: it hosts the global headquarters of GE Renewable Energy and three of its divisions: GE Hydro, GE Grid Solutions and GE Offshore Wind. GE Renewable Energy also has six main industrial sites in France, including a new wind turbine blade factory, which opened in Cherbourg in 2019. It is in France that GE builds the Haliade-X, the most powerful offshore wind turbine in the world, whose blades of 107 meters are the longest ever built in the industry.


"I Doubt that once the lights start going out any politician will stick with the 'green' alternative"

Switzerland is sticking with greeness and warning that the lights might go out.





It is interesting that the polls show that in the first round of voting Le Pen would come second to Macron taking her through to the final round which she would lose.

The same poll put Pecresse, if she were able to get to the final round, in a much closer fight than Le Pen, just 8 points behind Macron. On the day, if they were that close ; who knows who would win. 

Unfortunately, because of this two round nonsense it is most likely Le Pen will be in the second round. Another term for Jupiter I'm afraid!!

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