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Rules for returning French residents ?


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Can anyone clarify please - what are the rules for fully vaccinated French residents returning to France now who need to stay somewhere overnight on their way to their home where they will self isolate until testing negative ? Not everyone will be able to get home the same day.

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Recent clarification seems to indicate that whatever your journey you cannot stop overnight en route sooooo….

you enter France by car and your journey home is a long one but you cannot stop at a hotel with minimal or virtually no contact overnight but, if you come by train into Paris you could cross Paris by metro or bus and then catch another crowded train - no problem !

Have I missed something somewhere ?

Edited by Manon
Needed to add something
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Quite a dilemma.

I guess you have to ask yourself whether you present a greater risk to yourself and others by driving on to your French home when tired, or staying in a hotel and running the risk of being ‘rumbled’.

For me it would be the 2nd of those options, but don’t take that as advice!

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You can isolate in a hotel, but you are obliged to isolate in the same place until you have either done your 48 hour test to release or the full 10 days. So you would have to stay a minimum of 2 days at the hotel

1. Où puis-je effectuer ma période d’isolement lors de mon arrivée en France ?
Vous pouvez effectuer votre période d’isolement dans le lieu de votre choix : à votre domicile, à l’hôtel, chez des parents ou amis….
La période d’isolement doit être faite dans un lieu unique.
Edited by betise
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The point I was really making was which journey runs the risk of infecting more people should the person test positive after 48 hours ? The car journey and overnight stop with minimal interaction is not allowed but the journey on crowded public transport is ! The requirement to go straight to your place of isolation in one day is presumably with the aim of minimising the risk of transmission so this is totally illogical. Unfortunately I can’t risk being stuck miles from home in a hotel for 10 days.

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Considering France has recorded 90k new cases without your journey and with its current restrictions but those travelling will be the ones fully tested, it is completely pointless. Also as South Africa and the UK let alone the French neighbouring counyries will attest to omicron symptoms being very mild with most having a 3-4 day cold with some muscle ache, what is all the fuss about?

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Well indeed, but by now Manon will presumably have made his or her decision.

I guess that we all know what they will or have already done, but for obvious reasons, wouldn’t want to advertise it on here.

We could probably all agree though, that they’re hardly the worst culprits.

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It is just so frustrating when we WILL be law abiding and not stop overnight even though it is so illogical. We sometimes wonder why we bother being law abiding when we know most people will do what suits them and most likely get away with it. The lockdown which followed Easter comes to mind. People were allowed to travel over the weekend to where they were going to remain in lockdown but we know many people who travelled for social reasons and then returned home - some on the Monday because the gendarmes said they would take a lenient view of people doing this !!!!

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