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House names in France

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Hi all!

I'm currently researching an article for French Property News about house names in France and was wondering whether any of you have named your houses? Or have you found that it's not as popular in France as it is in the UK to have a house name? Does your postie just know who lives where and therefore a house name isn't needed? Have you come across any interesting French house names? 

I'd love to hear your thoughts and any stories either in this thread or by email at elinor.sheridan@archant.co.uk


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When we bought our first house 33 years ago it was named after its position in the village i.e.  highest house.  No number was assigned to it, nor a name on the lane on which it was located  in the village.  People were just told to turn right before the boulangerie, or take the lane facing the church.  About 10 years ago, the un-name lane was named after our house, and the house given a number.  We never used it as the Post had always known the name of the house and it continued without a problem.

Given that the post codes changed in France in 2010 (?) our old code ended in 111, then changed to 240.  We were still receiving post from French Offices (Tribunale de Grande Instance for example) in 2018 using the old code, things take time to take effect !

We sold it several years ago and as far as I know, it has retained the same name.

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Well, some 20 years back when we first purchased our house, our friend and English agent employed a guy to handle the plumbing. This man worked at the nuclear power station at Dunkirk and at weekends worked sur la noire...

"His work is very neat, isn't it?" enthused our English chum. Indeed it was; mainly because he failed to use sufficient solder on the joints which were all "Dry Joints" and failed with boring monotony!

So I was going to name the house:

"La petite barraque du plus de fuites."

Instead, I gradually went back over all the pipes and made all the joints properly.

For some time after I often looked towards Dunkirk and awaited a large mushroom cloud...?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just for once, you're right about that ?  It's because the Maire is red-hot on applying and enforcing sanitary measures against Covid. Has been right from the outset. With the number of Brits in the area all flitting to and from the UK, who can blame him?

Anyway, back on planet Earth, our house name is a Lieu-dit as are all the others not actually in the village.  We're soon to have a road name and number, but doubt anyone will use those.  The only confusion that arises with the old system is where there are two or three properties all under one LD name, but the regular posties don't have any problem.

Edited by Noisette
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/12/2021 at 08:30, Noisette said:

Just for once, you're right about that ?  It's because the Maire is red-hot on applying and enforcing sanitary measures against Covid. Has been right from the outset. With the number of Brits in the area all flitting to and from the UK, who can blame him?

Anyway, back on planet Earth, our house name is a Lieu-dit as are all the others not actually in the village.  We're soon to have a road name and number, but doubt anyone will use those.  The only confusion that arises with the old system is where there are two or three properties all under one LD name, but the regular posties don't have any problem.

Congratulations on getting a road name and number, we were awarded this honour a few years ago, handy Andre from the commune arrived and fixed the expensive looking enamel number plaque to the gatepost, and the next number in the sequence to one of our barns which abuts the road which fortunately is now covered with ivy!! 

What you will find is that the posties and the commune know about your new shiny address, but it will probably take

delivery drivers years to get their sat-navs updated.

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The new road name has been up for some months, not that anyone is using it ?  As for a number, I wonder just where they'll stick it?  No gateposts or fences here, we live in the barn  and sticking anything on the stonework isn't an option!  If they fix it to the letterbox, it will probably collapse ?

It couldn't be........a case of OH having to dust off his tools and (shock, horror) put up another post?  I'd better start preparing him psychologically.....heehee.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our house is called "Chante Merle" ... can't say I've seen that many blackbirds around .... we are in a small hamlet and ours is the only one with a name, others zre known by the owner's family names.

Edited by ericd
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