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A Crude Phishing attempt supposed to be from AMELI


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52 minutes ago, NormanH said:

Do you think that merely clicking a link as in 'open in another tab' is rash?

I use Linux which would require me to enter a password for anything to be installed on my system, and have a firewall.

But might you not have alerted them to the fact that your email address is live by clicking on a link .. the phishers have no need to install anything on your system.

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I don't know enough about Linux to be able to reply accurately ref your personal computer.

But this link (it's ok ?) from Malwarebytes explains about part of the link access address at the top of the page you showed :


Also at the top of your link page you have 'distracted-elbakyan' as part of the address .. which has been half-inched from the infamous Alexandre Elbakyan .. wiki link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandra_Elbakyan

It looks as though the phishing attempt is quite a humorous example .. cleverly done, but still out to deceive. 

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6 minutes ago, NormanH said:

On the other hand it isn't the email associated with my Ameli account..

That makes sense .. you are aware of that but other, more unwary souls might not realise and be tempted to reply.

If you click on the link in a mail it does alert the sender of the mail that you have opened the mail and that your email is alive and kicking and that has a value.

Edited by suein56
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I always advise people who receive dodgy mails, or even questionable mails, to hover their cursor over the link and copy the address into Google/Duck Duck Go .. whichever search engine they use and do a quick search.

If anything at all suspicious comes up then on no account click to open on any link.

You could forward the mail to CPAM .. but I have forgotten their phishing address.

Otherwise delete it.

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  • 5 months later...

I have just received a text saying that in order to continue getting my reimbursements I need to complete a form for a new Carte Vitale. It gives a link to a plausible ameli email address - has anyone else had this ?

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1 minute ago, NormanH said:

Google translate : Have you received a message (email or SMS) that seems to come from Health Insurance or its Internet platform Ameli? This message informs you of a pending refund or the availability of a new Vitale card: it invites you to fill out a form with your personal information, or even your bank card, to obtain this unexpected refund, or pay shipping costs to receive your new Vitale card? Warning ! You are most likely facing a phishing attempt that usurps the identity of the Health Insurance. The objective of cybercriminals is to steal your personal and/or banking information to make fraudulent use of it.

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I had a similar one a couple of weeks ago.

It was an SMS asking me to click on a link in order to protect my healthcare rights.

I ignored it and zapped the message.  Knew that it was dodgy, if for no other reason than that any communication from Ameli comes as two messages - one for me & one for Mrs G.

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Manon ........

As above, the text you received was rowlocks.

Just zap the message.  These people are ‘the pits’, but we just have to learn to live with their attempted frauds.

As a matter of general principle, I delete just about everything that I receive from any of the (alleged) financial / health institutions. Doubtful that there’s anything that they feel a need to tell me, that I don’t know about already.  Accordingly, they’re almost certainly dodgy.

Forgive me if that sounds a bit arrogant, but you know what I mean.


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