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Eric Zemmour

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I mentioned him in the thread about the Presidential elections on the Old forum.

He has already been found guilty incitement to racial discrimination and fined €2,000.

He has not yet declared himself a candidate, because once he does he will have to give up his work as a " journalist" which provides him with a useful platform for his controversial ideas. I actually think he is more interested in pushing those ideas into the campaign but he is in  becoming president



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Just have to keep watching the little git, I guess, Norman; will he be able to steal the voters to the right of Macron’s alliance as being more acceptable than LePen. He certainly has been all over the place thus far but that may appeal to those who think that France needs a ‘firm hand’ to stop her going to the dogs.

Macron is not earning many votes at the moment afaics, certainly not by bullying Jersey. He has upset Brussels as well. Which gives brownie points to those attempting to oppose him.

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My point is that Macron is using the Channel fishing issue, trying to be the new Napoleon of Europe with his very own European army using French kit, defying Brussels, reducing the number of visas for Algerians and the submarines to try and win over the right anti-immigrant/anti Islamic and pro- Frexit voters who would vote Le Pen. 

Zemmour who is a thoroughly nasty bit of work might sound fresher, more real than the ‘tired old extremism’ of Le Pen even though his message is largely the same though perhaps more extreme. Note that even Barnier has tried for some of this electorate with his idea of a pause in immigration.

France, she is very un’appy and may be tempted to reach out to unsavoury candidates on the right.

Nothing visible on the Left or Centre which Macron seems to hold. I reckon Phillipe might come out for Macron.

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I would agree about Macron using Britain as a whipping boy and  also his reach for the vote of the right. The E.U. army thing is virtually dead in the water as a couple of the nordic countries have already stated that NATO is too important to break up by having a European army. What Macron has already done though is sign an accord (outside of NATO and the E.U.) with the Greeks that is giving concern to many countries. I can't say that I agree that Zemmour 'is a thoroughly nasty piece of work' Reading what his conviction was (his only one) it wasn't a particularly racist point at all and he was fined.  As for unsavoury candidates on the right, well whom may they be? Zemmour hasn't declared himself a candidate  though It would seem he may well do so given that he is just behind Macron in the polls. 

Should the polls be right and Zemmour declare then it would be Zemmour and Macron in the final round. In effect another presidential term for Jupiter! As for Phillipe, apparently he is 'looking' at starting his own party with an eye to the election after next! Personally I would like to see Zemmour win this election but my head tells me to prepare for another term of Macron.

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Anyone, with sense anyway, who saw the 'offending' pointing of a rifle would have known it was meant as a joke. The left want to make capitol out of it of course. With firearms the general rule is that a weapon, loaded or not, should never be pointed at people and if Zenmour is guilty of the 'heinous crime' of doing so then point it out but to suggest some other motive is just ridiculous. This pandering to to the left has to stop. Hopefully the coming election will do so but I doubt it.

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So, now the Brits are Frances greatest enemies for a thousand years!!! According to Zenmour anyway. As it happens I tend to agree with him. Despite all the "happy happy' tourist stuff since when has Britain got on with France? At last someone saying it as it is!!

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I think Zemmour, should he ever become a politician (he still hasn't declared), is the only plain speaking person around. Definitely correct regarding his '1000 year enemies of France' comment. I do like his style. I use to listen to him speaking when he was on the panel on TV. Not particularly impressed with his personality but he does have a certain charisma that demands you listen to what he says rather than just thinking he is 'far right'; whatever that is! He reminds me a little of Enoch Powell actually.  I'm also cynical enough to believe that all this 'political campaigning' is just a front to sell his books; which are selling very well and he has no intention of running. I hope thats not the case. 

Edited by Ken
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