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A forum problem .. as I see it


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The forum is receiving posts from unknown people who are promoting smthg .. either their services, their company or 'n'importe quoi'.

Some posters/readers might be happy to see these posts ..but others might not, including me.

As none of these posts here been removed I can only assume that Wooly and Hoddy have no power/authority to verify/authorise these new posters.

This, if a true view of their position, worries me.

This new site is very odd .. ok I understand it is 'off the shelf' .. but it is reminiscent, to me, of smthg akin to a bizarrely extruded form of a Twitter a/c.

Edited by suein56
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  • suein56 changed the title to A forum problem .. as I see it

This must be so frustrating for you both .. it does appear to be very limiting software.

11 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

Yes, Archant are aware of the problem. Meanwhile very frustrating for Hoddy and I not being able to do anything. Fingers crossed something happens soon. And, yes, software definitely a cheapo, I think.


11 hours ago, Hoddy said:

It's true to say that communications are not brilliant at the moment. I notice that we have lost both ways of sending messages too.


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13 hours ago, Hoddy said:

It's true to say that communications are not brilliant at the moment. I notice that we have lost both ways of sending messages too.

If you click on the person’s emoji ‘circle’, then it brings up that person’s profile.  Within that is the ability to message that individual - not sure whether that’s a ‘PM’ or an email.  The latter I’d guess.

You can also ‘report’ a post by clicking on the three asterisks in the trhc - you then have ‘report’ as an option on the dropdown.

I’m stating the bloomin’ obvious here, but some narrative to help with site navigation would have been helpful.  Not the fault of the mods - they should have been the first to know!

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Hi all, 

I work at Archant and have been moderating a similar messageboard on another site.

I'm not sure who in the company was responsible for moderating the old forum but it looks like it's fallen my way for the time being.

if you hit the report button I can delete any posts which break the rules and ban the user if necessary.


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Peter Raven, anotherbanana and Hoddy were our moderators, but now their profiles only show them as members, if they could regain their moderator status it would ease your workload, and slow down all of the bots that are posting spam here.

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