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Vet needed around Pons if possible

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I wonder if anyone can help.  We have bought an adorable little puppy.  As far as I can gather it means that once he has had a Rabies vaccination he then has to wait for 6 months to be checked again and if all is ok then we can come across to France and return to the UK.  Once we do come over to France it appears that we have to have him tested for ticks and tapeworms at a french vets within 24 and 48 hours of us leaving france and arriving in the UK.  Our house over in France is close to Pons, does anyone know of a vet fairly close to Pons area that they could recommend.  

Many thanks.




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The procedures for visiting the UK are not complex but must be followed correctly.

1st your pup should be microchipped (if tatoo's and you've already done the 1st rabies there are special allowances for France to record the rabies vaccination against a to too when the dog is microchipped later).

Sometimes a booster rabies is given a month after the 1st as this increases the chances of passing the blood test (but also costs a little more).

Then, a month or so after the rabies vaccination/booster a blood sample is taken and sent off to a test lab (taken and sent by the vet). The lab tests for rabies antibodies (i.e. that the dog has developed adequate immunity). If fails (occasionally happens), then another booster and another blood test until one is OK. Then, you need to wait 6 months from the date the blood sample was taken before entry to UK.

Everything is recorded by the vet in you Pet Passport (something the vet issues).

Provided the rabies boosters are done before the "valid until" date in the Pet Passport, the blood test is a one-off. Miss a "valid until" date for a rabies booster and you need to repeat the blood test and 6 month wait.

Also, between 24 and 48 hours of check-in with your carrier for visiting the UK (e.g. the ferry check-in), your vet needs to threat the dog for ticks and tapeworms (and record the details in the Pet Passport).

There is no flexibility in the rules. They are not too complex (sounds much worse when writing them out), but even if "it makes no difference in practice", this is no good for DEFRA - they are strict to the letter.

Entry to France is easy - you just need the Pet Passport (basically up-to-date rabies vaccination). It is the return/entry to the UK that is stricter with the special rules.

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The vet in Pons is very nice we have used him once when he was the emergency vet. We use the vets in Jonzac and they are to be found in the road that goes down by the side of the post office in the direction of Leader Price. The Jonzac vets are good too and a lot cheaper than our English vet! Good luck with your pup! If you ask they will chip him and I prefer it to a tattoo, don't know what you think.
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Hi Athene

Thanks for your reply and info about another vet in Jonzac.  One thing I shoud have asked is that is it necessary to make appointments at french vets?  Our local UK vet has two branches so to speak, one where it is necessary to make appointments except in the case of an emergency  and the other which I must admit I prefer is open at specific times and you are fine to just arrive and be seen.  Our little pup is due to be chipped around the 6 November as our vet here said that he was too small before then.  The possiblility of a tatoo wasn't even mentioned to us by the vet. 

Thanks again


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