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Hi, we ordered one from a company called PEP Leisure, tel no. 05 53 73 25 21.   It is an Aarow fire.

They are an english couple who will deliver it to your door, they collect it from England and can advise on all the questions you have, ie who can fit it for you etc.  We fitted it ourselves but be warned it is very heavy to lift, so you would require some help to move it, it took 4 men to move ours and a strong scakbarrow.

We paid £1300.00.

If  you want any further info, just pm me.


Emma Pons 17


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I haven't bought anything yet. I am at the research stage and here is what I have learnt.  All in french:

www.ademe.fr explains the credit d'impot and gives further links.

The full legalese:


Here's a woodburner supplier which explains the situation simply. I only found it through Google - I have no experience of the company:


By materials I mean the cost of equipment (ie: definitely the woodburner and maybe the other materials required for installation - flue, etc. - a supplier could confirm).  It looks like the woodburner must be  'flamme verte' marked.  The credit is given firstly against your tax liability - any excess is reimbursed.  Money from the taxman - that's an offer I can't refuse.



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My log burner was installed last week by the local fire

company.  It’s a Jotul and meets the

ADEME requirements.  Its less than 50%

(don’t have the invoice to hand but I think its around 40% tax credit) and in

my case it was on the log burner only (i.e. not the chimney liner nor

accessories (e.g. black tube burner to chimney “block”, etc.). (the invoice

does not give the credit – the tax man does, just that the invoice has info

relating to the credit as it seems that I submit a copy of this as they have

put the “right words” on it for the tax credit).


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I would be interested in the name of the company you used.


I used a local fire shop/installer (nearest town).  Surprisingly (and a bit worrying at first), I ordered in Nov and

they agreed to install in Dec, though this turned into first thing in Jan.  However they did a good job and I am pleased

with the fire.  I purchased a Jotul

F-500 which is for a room about 100 cubic m (fire is rated for a room about 3

times the size).  So far we have not had

very cold weather but it is good and warm. 

Not the cheapest fire around but decent quality (I guess everybody

selects where they want to be on the price/quality scale).  The one I got was a straight fire only – just

burns logs and heats the room, no radiators, not water, nothing like that.

From what I have seen, I makes sense to purchase from a

French supplier/installer for many reasons (incl. tax credit, insurance cover,

ensuring the model you purchase is NF’d, etc.) – though each to their own.  Certainly it is pretty heavy and not the

sort of thing to lug across the channel for no good reason.


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  • 11 months later...

Hello - just to let you know that we had a Godin woodburner installed in November and it is SUPPOSED to run 14 radiators!  The installer has been back 5 times, the last time today and he has no idea why we can't get the radiators to work.  The part of the house that has the woodburner in is "warm" the rest of the place is cold.

Choose wisely.  If I knew then what I know now, I would have gone for electric central heating.

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[quote user="buffy"]

Hello - just to let you know that we had a Godin woodburner installed in November and it is SUPPOSED to run 14 radiators!  The installer has been back 5 times, the last time today and he has no idea why we can't get the radiators to work.  The part of the house that has the woodburner in is "warm" the rest of the place is cold.

Choose wisely.  If I knew then what I know now, I would have gone for electric central heating.

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We had a Godin fitted in November last year into what we call the 'terrace room'; a HUGE room which joins the two main parts of the house (originally two barns that were converted).  One full wall of this room is glass (single glazed, at the moment) so it was important for us to have a very efficient stove.  It has been a HUGE success and the room is wonderfully cosy now.  Last winter, our first in the house, the terrace room was a 'no-go' area as it was so cold.

We got it from a place in Chalais which is in the south Charente so if anyone is near there then we'd be happy to give you details - you could even come and look at ours if you wanted!  They also organised a fitter for us who is absolutely brilliant!  It wasn't cheap, but we decided that for this sort of thing it pays in the long run to go for quality.



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did you get your burner from the big showroom in chalais opposite a cafe?  the people who also sell some fancy furniture and nice range ovens?

we are not in our french place at all this winter, principally because we do not as yet have any heating there!  we intend to install electric heaters and have a good idea now (thanks to advice from forum members) which ones and how many to get

we do, however, have a huge lounge (about 47 sq metres) with a big fireplace in position.  we want to get a log burner and i have been thinking to have it installed, say, next summer or autumn in time for next winter and when we are already residents to take advantage of the credit d'impot.

did the installer come out to survey the place before you decide a suitable fire for it?  also, did the shop put the invoice for the fire and for the installation together (i am asking because i understand this is critical if you want to claim the credit d'impot)?

thanks, lynda.  nothing like having someone's actual experience rather than just looking at catalogues or depending on the shop to tell it as it is

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Hi Sweet

Yep, that's the one.  Really lovely lady in there who was happy to let us babble on in our best French and only helped out with English when necessary [:D], they also do 'promo's' from time to time!  First we went in and told them which stove we wanted.  They then arranged for the fitter, Noel, to come and have a look to ensure that it was suitable.  They co-ordinated with Noel when the stove had arrived and he then contacted us to arrange a suitable date for installation (he brought the stove with him in his van, and arranged for one of his pals to turn up to help him to lift it).  We needed our chimney building higher to conform to regulations and also a full chimney lining and Noel did all the work himself.  Regarding the invoices, providing the fitter is an accredited fitter, which Noel is, then you can submit both the invoice from the supplier and the installer, though you don't get tax credit for things like chimney linings, etc., which you're probably aware of anyway.

By the way, our terrace room is just over 48 sq mtrs in floor area and is about 4.5 metres high to the apex.

Hope this helps and when you're back here again do feel free to get in touch and come and have a look at ours.  Are you over at all before the Spring as it would be better for you to see it actually working and heating the room?



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what a good, kind, sweet-natured person you are!  if we do come over next month, i shall take you up and come and see you.

yes, i know the lady in question.  in fact, i am thinking of buying one of her super-yummy godin cookers!  will certainly investigate this further and, if noel can come and do the cooker at the same time, i shall be one very happy person!

we are also thinking of putting in one of those cute godins that look like a studio stove (think starving artist in a garret) in our hall.  it would be good for warming up all of the hall and the landing, i think.  will need noel to tell us whether we can get a chimney in there

you've given me a nice warm feeling already, thank you!

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