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noise on a sunday and burning rubbish

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I have just bought a place in deux sevres, and looking to go there for a block of time in March to start renovations !  

I heard a rumour but cant find any info on the restrictions if any on making a noise at weekends , knocking down walls, mowing the grass etc and lighting bonfires

I would appreciate any guidance

thanks in anticipation of loads of response ...please !!![:D]


Caz from Maidstone


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Welcome to the Forum, Caz.

Bonfires: Where we are (South West, amongst coniferous forests) , we have to have permission from the pompiers (fire brigade) for bonfires at any time of year because of the risk of forest fires.  As a result, I've never lit one and just take the stuff to the dechetterie (recycling tip) - the French have them everywhere so check where your nearest one is.  I'm on first name terms with the person who runs our dechetterie and he lets me pick up discarded furniture at the same time.


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[quote user="caz"]

I heard a rumour but cant find any info on the restrictions if any on making a noise at weekends , knocking down walls, mowing the grass etc and lighting bonfires

I would appreciate any guidance [/quote]

Normally your Mairie is the place to go and ask about restrictions such as bonfires, noise knocking down walls, when you can mow the lawn etc as these are usually locally orientated ie as in the above post re bonfires in a wooded area. Our Mairie produces a publication each year detailing such restrictions and the manner in which you should complain if such an occurrence upsets you; though usually a quiet word with the offending neighbour suffices, around here anyway.

Sue [:)]

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Hi Caz,

Welcome! You will find information regarding this at your local Mairie. Just go and ask.

In our Canton - Saturday is no problem but Sunday we are only allowed to used garden machinery between the hours of 10am and midday.

Bonfires - often there are restrictions at certain times of year - again your local Mairie will have this information or the website of your Prefecture.


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Sunday a day of rest !......There are two houses under construction either side of my place and for most of last year the families who are into self build have only worked on them at weekends .....We have had  disc cutters  slicing blocks ...circular saws cutting timber ...and a digger  doing the drains on Sundays ...........  along with everybody else out with their petrol mowers......... the kids  zipping by on whining mopeds and grandad out on his tractor ........Where do you find  this  Sunday rest  day .?
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I think all your questions have been answered  i.e

It depends on what your commune dictates as to what timings bonfires / noise or other activities can occur and what is acceptable,  so you will need to toodle off to your own mairie and ask, otherwise we may all give you answers but they may only apply to our communes.

Then having done all that, whether any of the rules will be obeyed by everyone - ah well theres the rub - maybe / maybe not - ours says no noise before 9 am on a Sunday yet there is a disco in the middle of the village giving it full tilt from midnight Sat until 6 Sunday morning but the maire says that is not Sunday morning !!!!!!!!!! you got to laugh

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