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Help!! Any good ladies hairdressers around Montmorillion/Confolens/L'Isle Jourdain?

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Dear all,

After putting off getting her hair cut in France for nearly 9 months, I persuaded my wife to have it cut in L'Isle Jourdain where we live...  I had already  taken our 3 year old son & 5 year old daughter ito this salon - with quite good results, albeit not cheap.

But my wifes cut was rather crude, hurried? (sub 30 mins, wash, cut etc), cut with dis-interest? - or just plain poor - and she is not pleased. [:@]

Can we please have some prompts so that she can have her nautural long redhair cut sympathetically once again please.

Many thanks from a husband who still gets his hair cut in the UK. [6]


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Forgive me, but isn't this quite straightforward?

My needs (haircut-wise) are pretty simple. My wife's are more complicated, or so she says.

Anyway, you try one place: not good. You try another: hopefully better. Eventually, you settle on somewhere that suits you & you stick with them. You can't tell until you try them. No different to the UK.

One thing I always felt about haircuts is that it grows again pretty soon! 

Female protests about to arrive in spades.

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Every French village I have been top has hairdressers in spades, sometimes more than bars (desole).

Park your OH's bottom outside a couple of such places and spy the hair that is leaving. France is about parking ones bottom and having a coffee/vin/cidre and watching the world anyway.



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I have every sympathy for your wife. I have to have a great deal of confidence in my hairdresser and in the UK used the same for more years than I can to remember. I am not the least bit adventurous when it comes to my hair and I have found with personal recommendations that one ladies ideal hairdresser can be another ones nightmare.

I tried my local salon when I first arrived and I can only say that I was glad that nobody here knew me! I have since found a mobile hairdresser who is patient and more attentive to detail. The language is a little bit of a barrier ( but  I am having a free private french lesson at the same time which is an added bonus) however, we are gradually getting my hair how I want it.

Perhaps finding a mobile hairdresser may help your wife too? 

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I agree with Owens88, if you are not satisfied , do not go back.

It took me ages to pluck up the courage to go to a hairdresser, she cut it as I wanted but always let me leave with a thought of having my hair coloured on my next visit........not a chance.

I went about 3/4 times and decided enough was enough, plus I had spotted another salon in the next town that was a lot cheaper.

I walked into this new salon one afternoon and had a wash cut and blow dry inside 30mins........Mr O says the attn to detail in the haircut is far superior and it only cost him 16 euros!

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  • 1 year later...


Are English hairdressers hard to find then?

We are buying in Charente this year and i have over 25 years in the hairdressing trade.

Have not done much for 6 months due to back probelms but i would certainly take it up again on a slower basis than here in th UK.

Will keep this site noted and come back!

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  • 1 month later...

I've tried all the hairdressers in my village bur have given up on them. Main complaints from me are, only know one short hair cut, and one colour, marron. Look at nearly every womans hair. I maybe an old age pensioner now but I like gels, mud , spikey bits I just haven't been able to get it; My fault as well as the haidressers. I just can't explain what I want. My main complaint is every hairdresser I have been to in the village has to answer their phone. So every few minutes they are chatting for ages on the phone whilst your sitting there waiting with half cut hair.

My hairdresser is my pamper me time. I have found someone who cuts my hair now, and I am happy. Again because of the silly system regards employment here. Most french haidressers cannot afford receptionists.


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My local girl seems to look upon me as an old lady (I'm in my 50's) and cuts to suit.  I want my hair short and funky and that is how I now have it.  I go to a salon called Dilloys (not sure of spelling as cant find their card) and as it is a chain they might be in your area.  Find a picture of how you want it on lots of internet sites, print it out and take it with you.  Learn a few hairdressing words like en dégradé (layered) méches (highlights) etc etc and try again, if it is not what you want it will grow out and you can try somewhere else.  I fear finding a new hairdresser as much as a new doctor or dentist.
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