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deux sèvres? Why lower property cost?

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[quote user="andyh4"]

In the end the rules governing house prices in DS or France as a whole are no different than in the UK; namely:

availability of finance



If an area has low prices compared to neighbouring ones then it says something about the location.  In France this frequently means areas where the population is receeding as young people go elsewhere to find employment, lack of facilities (in part caused by reduced tax income due to a falling population) etc..

And no I am not getting at DS, much of the Ardèche falls into that category as well.  If this is what you are looking for, all well and good. 


My part of Deux Sèvres ( 13 k south of Niort)  is not that cheap ..   It is cheaper than the coast or the Dordogne, but nothing as cheap as the Limousin or Creuse or Ardèche.

I don't know about the Corrèze, though I fell in love with that departement when I visited English friends there last spring .

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[quote user="Théière"]

Frenchies here two days in a row   [:D][:D][:D]




In the UK London & SE some of the cheapest parts Hackney/Dalston etc are now really expensive likewise previously  rundown seaside towns. Will that happen in France?

[/quote]   What about the poor area where I lived  when I was in London, as a student, New Cross ??
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I was quite surprised to learn that there is nothing here in northern Deux-Sevres.  Having read with alarm that Bressuire is dying, I rushed over there to check it out and I couldn't get near the shops for the crowds.  The only empty factories I could find were the ones on the new peripheral business parcs which were still being fitted out ready for business.

Our local communité de communes bulletin which arrived in the post yesterday reports that 35 new small businesses were established in the Mauleon/Cerizay/Neuil les Aubiers zone during 2010, two of which are in our small village. They are also in the process of building three new additional eco friendly business complexes designed to support start-ups by young people.

Seems like there's plenty of action going on around here.....[;-)]




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Glasses are always full, administration always polite and punctual, customer service excellent etc etc etc in SundayDriverLand [;-)][;-)][;-)]

In fact whenever someone moans against something elsewhere in France residents there will post to tell you how different it is there, terminated by the obligatory [;-)]

Only pulling your leg SD, you get out of life what you put in, and I know your full glass resists being drained, also people react positively to the way you interact with them.

I am in fact very jealous because if SundayDriverLand is even a little bit as you paint it and cheap too I wish I had landed up there.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

Glasses are always full, administration always polite and punctual, customer service excellent etc etc etc in SundayDriverLand [;-)][;-)][;-)]

In fact whenever someone moans against something elsewhere in France residents there will post to tell you how different it is there, terminated by the obligatory [;-)]

Only pulling your leg SD, you get out of life what you put in, and I know your full glass resists being drained, also people react positively to the way you interact with them.

I am in fact very jealous because if SundayDriverLand is even a little bit as you paint it and cheap too I wish I had landed up there.


Now you've mentioned customer service....

Yesterday, our central heating boiler started coughing and barking and refused to light up, leaving us without heating.  I phoned our local plumber and left an impassioned plea for help on his answerphone, resolving to drive round to his house if he didn't respond.

Ten minutes later, he arrived in his van and came running in with his toolbox, saying I'd just caught him as he was leaving for a skiing holiday.  Amid the usual jokes about going on holiday to get a broken leg, he stripped and cleaned the burner, tested the operation, washed his hands before knocking back the habitual whisky, then hurtled off again.

No doubt the bill will arrive sometime in the New Year.......[;-)][;-)][;-)]


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I rest my case S.D. [:D]

Frenchie has heard some of my tales L'oiseau and I am sure that she is talking about my part of Picardie not the whole of Northern France.

Its interesting to meet and talk to people who have moved here from outside the region, they are the only ones that are willing talk to me I should add,they look on me as an ally not the enemy.

They tell me they were warned before coming and wished they had heeded it, they were told "tu vas manger ton pain la bas"! those from the Nord Pas de Calais were told "tu boufferas ton brin la bas"! 

The saddest are those that left the region to make their lives elsewhere, usually Paris and returned to their roots in later life they get treated even worse than a  foreigner.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

But I understand that Portuguese is not that easy to learn if you are a Brit?  [/quote]

A knowledge of French certainly helps, as the vocabulary and sentence contruction is similar.  We were also surprised to find that French is quite widely spoken, but not as much so as English.  What did disappoint us was the attitiude of a proportion of the ex-pat community that we came across on our travels, who believed that there was no need to learn Portuguese at all because English was so widely spoken.............

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[quote user="Théière"]

Most of the high rise blocks have gone but it's still grotty compared with other areas

Another aerial view, not quite France


Loverly picture...I can see at least Zero Pearly Queens in the 3.5 MByte glorious display.Why does my PC scroll so slowlyb twice as often.

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