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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

The handful of us who live near Niort, or who know Niort will already be aware of the ongoing town centre disruption. 

The rest of the forum probably don't give a toss, so I wonder just what is the point of this thread..........[8-)]



For me poitou charente will be all the better for having a lovely cool green beautiful park to grace the capital of deux-sevres, the parking in the centre of town is and always has been an ugly eyesore on the urban landscape.

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Does that mean we'll escape being subjected to Episode One of your long and varied life experiences.......?



Metaphorical life experience rather....childhood spent in Swanage not Bournemouth.....so Vespas and Lambrettas were the favoured mode of transport.

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QUOTE "The Place de La Breche ...will then offer underground parking and a 10 acre Park in the middle of town. END QUOTE

TEN acres???

I know Place de la Breche is big - but I can't see a park there extending to 10 acres unless they flatten many of the surrounding streets...

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[quote user="Loiseau"]QUOTE "The Place de La Breche ...will then offer underground parking and a 10 acre Park in the middle of town. END QUOTE TEN acres??? I know Place de la Breche is big - but I can't see a park there extending to 10 acres unless they flatten many of the surrounding streets... Angela[/quote]

My Dear Angela I see you have a problem estimating areas with those funny units one uses; just remember there are 640 acres to the square mile.[:D][:D][:D]

On a more serious metric note the architects in their presentation, IN ENGLISH [:)], state;

QUOTE A large, four hectare garden; END QUOTE

Now let me see, ah yes.....1 hectare = 2,47105381 acre and that times 4 gives 9.8842152 acres [:)]

Oh Dear I am short by 0.1157848 acres.....when I was flying like an eagle I must have been distracted by a turkey.[:)]

I commend for your perusal the architect's presentation, all in english, except of course the pictures in the PDF file link below.


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I stand corrected!

I just measured it all up in yards (you can tell how long it is since I was at school) on GoogleEarth and the area is indeed about 197ydx248yd = 48,856 sq yds. Remembering from aforesaid distant schooldays that 4,840 sq yds = 1 acre, I humbly acknowledge that the mighty Place de la Breche is indeed at least 10 acres.

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[quote user="Loiseau"]I stand corrected! I just measured it all up in yards (you can tell how long it is since I was at school) on GoogleEarth and the area is indeed about 197ydx248yd = 48,856 sq yds. Remembering from aforesaid distant schooldays that 4,840 sq yds = 1 acre, I humbly acknowledge that the mighty Place de la Breche is indeed at least 10 acres. Angela[/quote]

Those extra 456 sq.yds is what swings the chariot.[:D]


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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

What's going on in Poitiers then?



The plateau is banned to all vehicules, the inner ring road now has portes for access to la colline and parking for each porte, area between no-go centre and ring all one way streets; nothing dramatic, all on the dynamic carte.[;-)]

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

The handful of us who live near Niort, or who know Niort will already be aware of the ongoing town centre disruption. 

The rest of the forum probably don't give a toss, so I wonder just what is the point of this thread..........[8-)]



As someone who has a place about 50 miles from Niort, has visited a couple of times and quite likes the town, but who has plenty of other options for places to visit, it has been very useful indeed. 

See you in 2012.

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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Oh well, we'll just have to manage without you then!   [:P]



Just to update you on the Poitiers off-topic part of the thread.

The mairie of poitiers are introducing limited time parking in the centre of town; a sort of "disque bleue" BUT unfortunately your old blue disc will not suffice. One will need a "disque européen" in accordance with the provisions introduced via the JO in 2007 to the relevant article of the code de la route. The time of momentary parking is limited to "tranches" of 10 minutes.

The next edition of the Poitiers Magazine will contain "european discs".[:)]

For less erstwhile perusers of french burocratic legalese I commend the two links below. Particularly useful for those wishing to fabricate your own discs.



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  • 1 year later...

For those of you who like to toss and even for those who dont give a toss.....it is gratifying to note with satisfaction that the real thing is now available.... so whether you toss or not will no longer be an issue...


will now be soon forgotten.[:D]

The underground parking at la breche in Niort opened for business yesterday which is really splendid obviating any pretension to tossing during the advent shopping period.


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