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Bees in my Chimney

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Also, there is usually one of those "nuisance shops" in even modest-sized towns where you could ask for further details.

You'd know these shops when you see them, they quite often have a massive hornets' nest in the shop window[:D]

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[quote user="Mme poivre"]Hi Anyone in Vendee know anyone who could remove the nest or get rid of it from my Chimney?[/quote]

You could try lighting the fire. I know it's not the weather. Be prepared that they may escape down the chimney rather than up, so have a clear path for them to the outside. If they do come into the house, do not be perturbed because they rarely sting in this situation - which is why beekeepers use smoke to pacify a hive.
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That doesn't make sense. The chimney may be capped, but it is surely not sealed, otherwise how does the smoke get out? They got in and they will get out. I had a similar problem (but with wasps). I lit some paper and they simply left. No dead bodies.
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Hi Mrs Poivre

I have used these people in the Vendee a few years ago to remove bees from one of my chimneys:


I see they don't mention "bees" on their website, but I guess that's because you are not supposed to kill them...

I initially phoned the pompiers, and they said was I sure they were bees; were they yellow and black striped? And I assured them that no, I knew the difference and these were deffo bees, and he said they couldn't do those.

Hmm; I wondered afterwards whether he was giving me the opportunity to "misidentify" them, so that they could legitimately come out and deal with these "wasps".


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If any one could help me I would be most grateful I have contacted loads of companies bur so far no one has replied

If you know any bee keepers that might be able to help let me know please Thanks in Advance

- I am worried that the nest will go too big and break my chimney when i am not here :-(
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Hopeless trying to get bee-keepers this time of year! They are only interested in about May, when there is plenty of nectar around in the coming weeks for bees to collect. For swarms after that, the situation apparently is that they would have all the bother of keeping/feeding them through the winter, but would not have had any benefit from their nectar-collecting beforehand,

I hope the original company will turn up trumps. Are they the people that have called you? I can't remember what it cost me (it was several years ago), but you do just have to bite the bullet. It certainly won't be as much as Pimlico Plumbers in London having to unblock my uk drains on Boxing Day!!
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well i have had a phone call and someone is coming tomorrow - the bees must have heard sat here watching tv and one just snuck up and stung me for no reason :-( now really need them to come feel as if i have been punched in shoulder - luckily I dont think i am allergic as i am here on my own :-( but have taken antihistamine.
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