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Well after 50 years, the question of our new airport has been settled. From a purely selfish point of view we are delighted. The current one is a 20 min drive from the flat and we are treated to watching the planes on their approach down the Loire from our living room window. If you can land the Beluga and an Antonov An124 here already, it seems a no brainer.
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Lehaut, I was thinking of you when I heard the news and wondered whether you'd welcome the new (non) development.

I did think it would have been quite a long way further north and also how much new infrastructure they would need to service the new airport.

Now they can take down all those signs saying Non to the new airport[:)]

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Some points to note.

1) The opposite glide path into the airport (the other side to Lehaut) represents 70 % of the air traffic and the villagers are doing their heads in already because of the noise. I feel for them.

2) I think they said yesterday the airport will have to close for a minimum of six months for any expansion.

3) The peripherique running around Nantes and particular towards the airport is already saturated with traffic. I don't think the road network can accommodate any further expansion of the airport.

NDL was not the answer but I don't think there is an answer to any future growth of air traffic into that region.

It was suggested that Le Mans was the answer.
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Brittany needs a decent airport badly. Nantes is probably too far south anyway as was NDL. There is an upgraded airport at Rennes that might be a possibility.

Nantes is surrounded by development, both industrial and residential,the latter suffering badly from noise. Plus the access roads are crup.

Now the taxpayer will have to pick up the bill for the breaking of the development contract for the site with (?) Vinci, not cheap.

The objective assessment of NDL was never possible thanks to the extreme politicization of the issue and the entry into the game of the nutters. In addition, Mr. Hulot most likely used a resignation threat to blackmail the government.

All in all a bad decision which does not well for future major developments.
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Actually, I admire the Prime Minister (though I know it would have been a joint decision) for coming out and saying this is not what we want and so we won't go ahead with it.

Would that some of the lemmings in the UK government have the courage and foresight to do likewise about some of our  divisive problems.......OK, not trying to inflame anybody but go ahead and get shouty if it would make you feel better!

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On french news last night or the night before, they said that there are more airports in France than any other european country.

One per 358000 habitants, UK one per 2 million and Germany  one per 4million.

I was delighted that this was stopped. The reason being that there are other airports in the region which are now being extended.

Is Brittany lacking airports?  Just looked and there are several.

Still, having an airport is one thing, where the flights fly to is quite another. One of our local airports in France, actually stopped flights to Paris.  And some of the ski flights have stopped too favouring a bigger airport.

Notre Dame des Landes is ongoing for donkey's years, IF it has been such a WONDERFUL idea, maybe it would have been done years ago[blink]

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  • 2 months later...
I was wondering how they would redistribute the land there, as some were claiming it, although, due to the proposed airport, I had wondered who actually owned it.

So more problems.......... never ends does it!

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