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Are there any English Speakers in Franche Comte

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Well this is not ex-pat country - which is why we love it (biased of course as I was born and bred here). We are just over the Swiss border. We've met a nice couple with a house on French-side who come regularly but still live in Kent. Which area are you looking at? Do ask if I can help. Bonne chance.

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Hi Swissie

Thanks for your offer of help, much apprciated. Certainly not expecting or wanting to live in ex-pat country- more curious really how many english speakers have discoverd the delights of this area as its not an area that we tend to hear a lot about.
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The couple from Kent said they were very surprised how many English speaking people they came across at their local resorts last week- but no idea how many live there.

That was both in Metabief/Mont d'Or and Les Fourgs. As said if you ever wish to pm me, you're welcome. And if you do come on a recky, would be happy to meet up for a chat. In our village we actually have 2 English ladies - both married to Swiss guys and been here yonks.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi there, here is another english speaker, like you we discovered the region by accident and love it.  We started off with a one bedroomed flat near the lac de Bonlieu and now have a house.  We won't have the house for much longer though unless we can find enough to pay off our bridging loan, but that's another story.  We have found the people very friendly and helpful, you won't regret it if you buy here. We hear more English spoken in the summer but we are the only English speakers in our village.


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