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Where did you move to in SW France

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[quote]And that's something to be proud of is it? Do we really need to know, I don't wish you any harm but can't you just live quietly and let us all carry on in our normal 'straight' world. This will prob...[/quote]

And what if your grandchildren turn out to be gay, as any child could?  Will you reject them and tell them they aren't normal as they have a genetic defect?
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We love our gay daughter as much as we could ever love our other children.  She is brave, resourceful and an absolute joy in our lives, 30 something, daft as a brush but we wouldn't want her any other way. 

And our gay cousin, gay nephew and my dear gay old uncle and his partner, wonderful men who taught me so much about how important difference is.

It's the differences that makes life interesting and exciting, how boring if we were all the same - safe perhaps but somebody would end up being different in some way.

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Fonroque, Dordogne - started with one wife, one son, one dog. Despite living in a caravan for first nine months, now have one son, two daughters, dog and additional cat. Same wife. The big V planned soonest. Any recommendations gratefully received!

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"I don't want my grandchildren to be brought up in a world where they are taught that there is a third way. "

I am confused by MOP's statement. If straights have a first way, gays persumably have a second - what is this third way?

Or does it relate to Tony Blair's politics? In which case I am in agreement.



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But as most gays seem to be single that means that they have 2 ways, doth it not ? In which case restricting straights to just one way at a time is unfair - how about equal rights ?

Don't agree that children should be brought up ignorant of the realities of life - in particular, the real risk to children seems not to be from gays but paedophiles and incestuous relatives including grandparents of course.



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  • 2 months later...

Interesting thread that this turned into :)  As another, apparently,  genetically defective couple,[Z] [Z] we are happy to be living in 47, been here for over three years and we aren't the only genetically modified people in the village.[:D]  



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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! I never realised that I was genetically modified. First the first time in my life I'm a la mode. Thanks, Agenais.

This GM couple moved here to Limoux (11) for the cuisine, the Blanquette de Limoux "Le Brut Original", the varied countryside which offers us lots of walking, swimming and picnicking, and a pace of life that allows us to pass the time of day with our neighbours who are a mixed lot, much like all of you, and lovely to be with.

Wishing you all [D] Une Bonne Annee[D] (just imagine the accent)



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Strikes me that it would be a good idea to have a map (all of France) and let people place 'markers'. Perhaps red for ft relocation, R/w for living and also running a gite/Cdh and blue for second homers / part-timers? Or something like that.

How do I 'cross-post' this into suggestions for the forum?

Cheers all



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We are in 24 in a place called Grand Brassac between Riberac and Brantome.

It's me and hubby, our adopted chien de chasse, 2 horses, 16 chooks, 7 ducks and 2 ish rabbits.  (well it was 2 last time I looked, could be more by tomorrow)

I am always happy to meet anyone new so feel free to pm and come for coffee especially if you want to talk horses or smallholding.


Gail xx

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