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Where did you move to in SW France

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[quote user="Polycarpe"]Beautiful spot, Smiley. And much fewer Brits than here in Aude (11). Well chilly though, generally a few degrees colder than here and at the moment we've cranked the heating up full.[/quote]

Too true Polycarpe, can be very cold when it turns on you, great for skiing though so it has it's compensations. Also gets stinking hot in the summer though, There are a few Brits here now, 3 or 4 I think plus us, so yeah, not too overcrowded. Mind you go to Mirepoix in the summer and it really is getting like Little Britain !!!!



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Bonjooooooooooooooooooooor everyone, Im on me way, the wif and me will be merry Averonians in Avril, Whoooooppppeeeeeee, have a barn were going to convert in dept 12, between Estang and Entraygues, love it there, overlooking the lot valley, droped off me caravan earlier in the year, will be bringing a mini digger with on next trip, looking foward to some space, not a lot of bods around, just the way i like it, whooopppeeeeee, Hi to Ron in the Aveyron, and everybody else on here, condi mark
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Condorman:- not sure if you are clever or stupid. overlooking the lot valley,

Well wouldn't it have been better to move into the Lot the prettiest region by far in the whole of France. Well at least you can see us priviliged souls who are there.


John & Julie de Le Presbytere Frontenac

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Jxedwards, to insinuate that i might be stupid is not nice, its easy to put people down sat at a keyboard, I take extreeme offence by what you say, I like to have fun with people on here and if i have usefull info, i give it.  Its very annoying,  I take no c4ap from anyone, as everybody that knows me and lives near me knows, doo not fire any more at me. to call someone stupid on here is not good for the forum, you or the other person.

 I have a barn in the lot valley, the lot valley is in Aveyron, dept 12. Aveyron has one of the lowest population densites for a department, and has more of the coveted " prettiest villages in France" than any other dapartment.  I would say most people live whair they live because they choose to live there rather than somewhair else,  Ive been all over France, you sound like one of those knobs who thinks there location makes them better than others,  well get real, were all priviliged to have food and shelter. I bet you like to " keep up with the jonses"   youve wound me right up, and im on 60mg of prozac a day, please dont get personal, you cant say you havent been told, lighten up.

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Well said condi, it is supposed to be a forum, but often turns into a row, for whatever reason.  Glad I moved from the all singing and dancing ****Lot****, to the equally beautiful  Lot et Garonne, saving msyelf from looking down onto the omnipotent peoples of the valley.  Each to their own place of residence, be it a chateau, or a flat looking out over a builders yard.  Every region or department has its fans and there is beauty round every corner, for those that choose to see it.  This thread has already turned sour over peoples partnerships,  hopefully it won't go any further with "our place is better than your place". It is just interesting to see where people have chosen to settle and why.   
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Whoa guys, chill out.

All I will say is 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'

We all choose our locations by what appeals to us.

Thought this was to be RELAXED and informative, not a competition!!![:D][:D]

Jees if we want to be stressed why bother moving ????

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Hi Condorman

Welcome to the Aveyron although you only just creep in don't you?  What was that edwards person on about? He was either joking or does not know the area..

 Where you are up in the Lot gorges, is as close as you can get to the actual Lot River without paddling in it, that stretch of the Lot from Espallion through to Estaing is one of best parts of all the Lot, and then through the wonderfully named lac de Gollinac and to Entraygues is a very nice part of France,  I spent a very peacful holiday up in the stone cottages above the gorges near Entraygues before the Lot meets the Truyere a few years ago and often visit the area in the summer on a circuit through Rodez and Estaing and Conques, those Lot gorges are one of the nicest and peaceful spots on earth, closely followed by the Truyere gorges.

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No idea really, maybe when two or more are gathered, there will always be the potential for fireworks going off at any given time, everyone having their own opinions and thoughts on things.  I would love to post some responses to statements, but usually don't bother for the very reasons mentioned.  We digress :) 
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Well gang we are all priveliged, we all think that we have the best locations, so we should all be happy!!!

I look forward to exploring more of France and experiencing the diversity of different regions.

We should all enjoy France - it will still be there in centuries to come - we won't !!!

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Condorman the name is now explained huigh on prozac!!!

As others have said 'chill out man'.

I am probably within 30 mins of you so I guess this makes us both stupid/clever.

As for me being a knob you are dead right just ask my wife.

Keeping up with the jones's no way Jose. Why would I intend to move to France if that were the case? I'd stay at home in sunny south wales and by all the best pit ponies in the village and show off there.

At the moment when in France we live in 1 room bed/cooker loo et al.

So no offence meant just forum banter.

Sitting on an offshore oil platform in West Africa at the moent natives restless so I have to take my frustration out on somebody

When you have cooled down maybe I'll drive over to give you the benefit of my inexperience.


sincere salutations mon ami

John 'the knob' Edwards

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We live in the Lot (just) but cannot see the Lot valley nor any other river, stream, babbling brook or any thing similar. Does that mean we are 2nd or 3rd class citizens ? But at least our population is not as dense as some depts.



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Bonjoooouuurr, hi Everyone, thanks fer the words,  Ron, sounds like your holiday cottage must have been near to me, glad someone else likes the area, I could travel round France fer years, loads of Fab. places and so diverse.

Ill be on here more often now, great place to communicate and share info, thanks everyone, mark

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Monflanquin, Lot et Garonne.

Caroline, Paul, Francesca (6 years) and Nicole (5 years) moving to the village at the end of June 2006. We are over for a holiday at half term (coming a week early) and off up to Ax-lesThermes for the snow. It was great last year. Also over at Easter and June cannot come too quickly!

Caroline and the girls interested in horse riding.


Paul Bradford

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Small hamlet near St Martial d'Albarede (24) with a 3 year old toddler, who is loving every minute of the ecole maternelle and now speaking french; a husband, who is here every other 2 weeks as he works away from home; 4 horses; 1 Golden Retriever, 1 Labrador, 2 Jack Russells and 2 Plummer Terriers; 2 cats; hens and ducks, oh and now 2 guinea pigs!

I feel as though I've come home....

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quote Penny29: A nano-hamlet just outside St Paul La Roche in the NE corner of the Dordogne with my partner, 5 dogs, 6 cats and 2 donkeys.

We're looking for a house around there so we can be nearer to our ponds!  At the moment, we have a holiday home in Le Lindois (16 - near the Dordogne border) and land/ponds near to you.  We're now hoping to move to France permanently much sooner than we previously expected (ie this year rather than in 4 yrs time) and so once the house in N Yorks is sold, we'll be in Le Lindois looking for somewhere more suitable to live permanently between La Coquille and Thiviers.

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[quote user="Gay and happy"]

Hi all,

Moved to Couret (31) 3k from Aspet 20 months ago With my partner Nigel. We also have houses in a village called Soueich (31) that we rent out.

I think we are the only gays in the village......


[/quote] Moving to Eymet in March and permently the following year. New to this forum lark and using it to look for advice and the best advice I have found is not to make jokes. All the best to Paul and Nigel ps can I mention the war
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