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Will be arriving in France on the evening of 3 Jan (coming back on the 6th).

We have a house near L'Isle en Dodon / Boulogne sur Gesse (to the east of a line between the two).

Ideally we need to buy another bed. Our thoughts are to hire a van for a few hours to collect one.

So to the question - does anyone know of a store where you can buy and take away there and then (would prefer to avoid Ikea if possible due to holiday times and the hordes) that is not too far away.



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There are branches of But and Conforama throughout France. An internet search will show which are near you. Most branches hire out vans as well, though I've managed to transport beds on several occasions with (or without if the distance isn't great) roof bars on a normal estate car.
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Please, please do not consider buying anything at Recurt, their prices are high, their range is poor and their pre/post-sale service is diabolical.  They take advantage of older locals who are too nervous to go to major chains.

Go to St Gaudens or Tarbes if you don't want to get bogged down at Ikea or similar in Toulouse.


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Thanks for all the replies and we will try But, Conforama (remember now when we went to Conforama in Summer the beds were located in a large marquee) and Pat will also look at Recurt - perhaps they deliver. Must admit have never really been inspired in what But and Conforama have but there again have never looked at the beds there.

Will if I had my car there I would transport it myself - however, on this trip it will be a smallish hire car and I do not suppose they would like me balancing a double bed on it [:D]


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We bought basic flat pack beds from Conforama which we were able to take 'home' in our car. We'd brought the mattresses from England rolled up ( really quite small!!)- from John Lewis .

 I can't comment on the quality of Conforama mattresses.( John Lewis also sell flat packed beds of vey good quality and reasonable prices- but that's no use if you are hiring a car in France!)

We have very steep, narrow, twisting staircases in France, so we had to go for flat packed,.

Conforama will deliver, but you'll need to book it ahead if they are busy.

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