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Racetrack plan shatters quiet life in France...

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Well said Rose

By no stretch of the imagination can Dunkerswell be considered an area of natural beauty. Yes I am a racer, before anyone comments, but I do try to see both sides of any argument.

Interesting that Jaynebee mentions the website, the last time I looked, admittedly some time ago, there was a high percentage of support for the project on an "Anti" site.

Personally I feel that some of the objectors to this particular project should look deep and ask themselves, is it the idea I'm against or Nigel Mansell.



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Well said Andy & Rose, Castle coombe suffers the same nimbyism despite its length of tenure; surely recreational facilities are entitled to planning permission somewhere, old poorly designed facilities aren't always suitable for modernism, and of course there are alternatives if planning is refused, maybe a supermarket, perhaps a Travellers site, howabout a Home Office YO correction facility. . .

it is still a beautiful world, be cheerful, strive to be happy. [8-|]

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"My recommendation to all of you would be to gather as much support as

possible and protest vocally but peacefully against the plans .

Remember the added problems that are likely to descend on the area, its

not just racedays , they are controlled"

Er No, as I'm not against it! And what racedays? IT ISN'T A RACE TRACK.................

And as for Mansell, I cannot agree enough, is it the project, or the man behind it, or the thinking behind the man's project?

The Demonstration track/museum/hotel/workshops/horse riding centre/health spa/ education centre that is being proposed by David and Sandra Brooker-Carey, is to make use of otherwise useless land, and give work to the locals while encouraging tourism, and if anybody who has moved to the south west of France thinks the area doesn't need tourism to survive, they just haven't looked around..............

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If you are against this proposal in any way then you should not bother with protest websites, which do not allow you to give your support for the project. What you should do is speak to your local mayor as he will have some say in the go or no go of the project. If your local mayor is not interested as it is not in his area then the proposal will have little or no effect on your life. Looking at the amount of names on the protest website, one would assume that this is a very densely populated area.

A petition with a load of names on it is worth nothing if the names do not live in the local community.

There is an airfield in the south of England near the house of an American pop star. The airfield has been there for years and operates mostly microlights. The pop star decided after buying her house that it was too noisy so she thought that she could buy the airfield and close it down. The owners refused to sell, and now they have what is known as a Madonna fly in once a year where the pilots arrive in fancy dress - dressed as tarts!

It amazes me how many people complain about the noise around RAF Halton airfield. The airfield was built around 1917 and not many of the houses around are that old. The local farmers used to phone the airfield complaining about an aircraft flying over their farms. The pilots never used to complain about the tractors grinding through local villages at nine in the evenings.

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"The Demonstration track/museum/hotel/workshops/horse riding centre/health spa/ education centre that is being proposed by David and Sandra Brooker-Carey, is to make use of otherwise useless land..."

I think you may have put your finger on why some people may be opposed to such a development. Surely 40 Hectares of woodland is not useless?

I'm also surprised that 40,000 people would visit and generate enough income to make the plan viable. If each spends 50 euro then a turnover of 2M would be earned. Assuming 35 full-time staff would cost about 1M, after lekkie for all those loudspeakers and investment in the track, museum and other associated buildings, I suspect it would indeed be useless land soon. Also, 40,000 people is only just over 100 people per day. Are there going to be 35 people looking after them? - a service ratio that would make the Ritz hotel blush. I doubt it and suspect that the plan is based on full-time equivilents which actually means quite a lot more people 'employed' but most only actually earning for a few days a month when meetings/practice/training days are held. So not really improving the lot of the unemployed. But I've not read the plan and the business model and won't be objecting because I don't live nearby. But f1steveuk's exaggerations and vitriol for those opposing the plan is doing his mission no favours I suspect. A jet-powered dragster not being heard 5 streets away? Come off it...



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No vitriol, no exaggerations, just fed up with "it's a race track" when it has quite clearly been said, it isn't one. People will only see what they want to see!

I was at Bexhill when Vampire ran, and when in front of the car it wasn't that loud, although I have no idea what it was like behind!

As I have said, I understand that some people are against, my only problem is when someone says they are against, and then state inaccuracies, such as "it's a race track", and if the majority against are British (and I know the local mayor is fully for the idea), why should we, as people living in someone sle's country deprive locals the chance of work?

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[quote user="f1steveuk"]No vitriol, no exaggerations, just fed up with "it's a race track" when it has quite clearly been said, it isn't one.


Well, on one forum it's been hyped up to a Formula 1 circuit:

"Some people ( British) are trying to get the approval for a Formula 1 Circuit in Perigord - Domaine de Bagatelle -"

I wonder if Bernie knows?

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[quote user="Dick Smith"][quote user="f1steveuk"]No vitriol, no exaggerations, just fed up with "it's a race track" when it has quite clearly been said, it isn't one.

Well, on one forum it's been hyped up to a Formula 1 circuit:

"Some people ( British) are trying to get the approval for a Formula 1 Circuit in Perigord - Domaine de Bagatelle -"

I wonder if Bernie knows?

Bernie's probably behind it.

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For what its worth, I remember when a large salmon farming company wanted to put cages in a nearby sea loch, us divers who new the terrain new it was very rich in wild life and a stunning under sea world, we also realied economicaly on the products that we harvested from this area and the fishing boats that fished these waters also. There was a huge objection from the "incomers" and any locals were suduced by the offers of increased empoyment and other benefits to the area, at the same time oil researcers were entertained in the area and again many promises of employment. 2 years after The salmon farm was fed daily by a bloke from the mainland who lived in a caravan (1 job) the destruction to the sea life was unimaginable ( thick grey stinking sludge underneath the cages that no wild life could be sustained the chemical impact was catastrophic to the mollusc population due to the hormone in the feed) it also lost the wild life that was essential to us to make our living ( scallops) the fishing boats didn't bother any more as the fish and prawns etc move out due to the pollution. Net result (no pun intended!) there were more jobs lost than created. The point being is that offers of employment are not the only consideration and usually are only a bait to get locals on side only to be let down at a later date.

I can also remeber a property tycoon who bought a nearby inn who's desire was to change the inn into a hotel and develop it into a marina for the yachting community with special shower facilities and increased employment for the area

After p***8=g off the local regulars as they wer'nt the desired type who then no longer patrinated the Inn,  the staff he paid as and when he felt like it and due to travel costs to a remote area on the minimum wage could not afford to work there, the whole idea crumbled.

Unless this couple are in it to provide employment on a charitable basis I think this business model is too big for the region it is to be set in and I question that the amount of resources required to keep this running for the few years that it will take to get it off the ground ( if it does) on the scale it is proposing could well be unimaginable figures as I say it may be that this couple just what to put back into the region employment and pay on an on going basis as a purely charitable gesture, which I take my hat off to them as there can't be that many folk who are either able or charitable enough to do that.


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[quote user="Dick Smith"][quote user="f1steveuk"]No vitriol, no exaggerations, just fed up with "it's a race track" when it has quite clearly been said, it isn't one.


Well, on one forum it's been hyped up to a Formula 1 circuit:

"Some people ( British) are trying to get the approval for a Formula 1 Circuit in Perigord - Domaine de Bagatelle -"

I wonder if Bernie knows?


Having worked for "The small one", I bet someone in his office will pick up on that!!! But that does illustrate my point, one inaccuracy, and in black and white, and it suddendly becomes the truth!

I don't think Bernie will be too bothered though, he already owns Paul Ricard.....................

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[quote user="Clair"]I came across this article in today's press: Racetrack plan shatters quiet life in France

... and then started looking into the background... The proposal

Daggers drawn over plans for race circuit in tranquil Dordogne village (background article dated 2005)

Discussion in the local press

Local opposition group

Manifestation contre un circuit auto à Nontron


I have heard to-day that it has been turned down,is there members from that Dept e.g. 24 that comfirm it or not.

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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]Well, according to the Sud-Ouest newspaper it has, lead article in the Dordogne section, the owners have 2 months in which to appeal.[/quote]

So you people in north of 24 are still on tender hooks till then.

  Thanking you for your reply

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     There you are BOB T  fly your machine to RIBERAC the place the local French call,

                                                                                                                                        LITTLE   LONDON.

                                                                                                                                        LONDRES PETIT

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[quote user="Bob T"]That was the main reason for getting the microlight French registered - to cut my ties with Britain[/quote]I don't even want to think about the procedures for that, your Certificat de Conformite merci ?

Although you'll probably tell us now that it was easier than re-registering a car [:D]



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[quote user="f1steveuk"]You're going to have to explain that one! Because I don't live 16 inches from there back door I can't know them? I really don't understand your inference. 99.999 % of the people complaining about the proposal haven't even read ALL of the information on the proposal, let alone spoken to those actually involved, and are more than happy to prefer assumption to knowledge, but if you don't know what your talking about, it's better to shut up....................

I will just throw this into the mix. What a lot of the carping Brits don't know is that they "assume" David and Sandra are just sitting in retirement spending their money on a new toy. What they don't KNOW is that they run a company, in France, that employs French people and it is the money from this they are trying to put back into the French system, still, best not to look further than the end of our own gardens or worse still noses..................

And if the circuit was to be near me, I wouldn't have a problem, much the same as I don't about the airfield near me, that I knew was there BEFORE I moved here.

What p#**+s me off is when someone actually tries to put something back, and help the community they have moved into, we whinge, yet I know of one town where the Brit's whinged until they were allowed a cricket field, and now wont let the French play on it. Yes I am a petrolhead, I like my cars, my motorbikes etc etc, and I understand that there are those that dont feel the same, what I will not do is try and inflict MY interests on to others. What the Brooker-Careys ARE doing, is working with the local community, to ensure the proposal includes education, employment and allowing for other interests (horses, bird watching, fishing etc etc) to be developed.

As you don't know me, or my background, or anything about me I'd rather you kept to the subject, and research you comments rather than spouting!


Good lad!!

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