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Anyone for cricket in the Aveyron (12)?

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On Monday 1st June (Bank Holiday) from 10 am a friendly game of critcket ( and picnic) is being organised to take place at Le Troc (behind the football fields on the way to rodez airport form Rodez). If you interested please pm me. It will be a fun day for all the family. Don't forget to bring your own picnic.


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Except that I can hear it now.

"Well it depends on what exactly you mean by owzat?"  "Strictly speaking, if you follow the trajectory of the ball and its intended target, and you mean owzat to be that is out, then it's not out!"  "But if you mean that, the effect of the wind caused the deflection of the ball and its intended target was then not the target but the correlation betweeen intended and un-intended target, then there is a very good case for it to be, out."  "So, are you asking whether he is out, or are you asking for a comment on how the ball was delivered and the accuracy of such delivery?"

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It is surprising that Helff and Sefty has not managed to get cricket banned. Imagine, an activity where some bloody gret thug is throwing a piece of hardened leather at someone who has minimal defences at up to 100mph.

Cue Ron, entering stage left with only a clipboard to cover his blushes[6][kiss]

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For a few seasons, I was a cricket scorer.  That way, instead of making the teas (as cricket wives are required to do), I was allowed to eat them with the players.  [:D]

Each ball bowled needs three entries in a scorebook - it is an exacting science and requires both mathematical and artistic skill.  My scorebook was a piece of art (and fiction sometimes, depending on whether I was cross with my husband).  I only used pencil as the finished product should be very neat - I treat scorers who use pen with reverential awe.

You can't talk your eyes off the play (or the umpires), especially for such things as leg byes and sixes, otherwise it drives the umpires loopy.

It's a shame but Aveyron is too far to go to score for the day. [Www] [Www]  And anyway, Ron lives there and so I would be too scared to go.

P.S. Wooly - how about blogging about cricket on your Banana Blog?

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We're a bit off the original thread here - but nice to know, Cathy, that there is another cricket scorer around.  We are just about to move (finally) to near Lalinde (24) in July - right in the middle of the cricket season - on my retirement from the RAF.  I have been scoring for the RAF XI for some years now - and I am getting a few games in now before I leave.  I hope to find some friendly social team in the Dordogne area that might want a scorer in the future. 

Yes, great way to watch a match - and enjoy the teas - but you do have to concentrate! And the OH is not so keen!!!  


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[quote user="Weedon"]As a matter of personal interest Cathy, did you score for a village team, if so which one and did they compete in the national village cup?[/quote]

Ahhh.  Now that I have admitted using a pencil (and of course an eraser), I dare not reveal for whom I scored.  But no, it was not a side that got to Lords, however hard they tried.

Martyn - The OP (Francie) invited PMs if anyone was interested and so our chat about scoring just keeps his thread at the top.  Anyway, isn't cricket about the chats, Johnners et al?

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Cathy - absolutely.  And how we miss Bearders - was listening to TMS last week during the WIndies Test - and the team (in the box) was floundering without him.  Very unassuming chap - he came to speak to our RAF Umpires and Scorers annual do at the RAF Club last year and regaled us with all the tales of the greats he had known.  Nice man.

I have progressed to coloured pens - not that my scoresheets are very neat anyway, but at least they look bright!  

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Saw this quote from a Lady scorer on Day One of the last test.

"Back in my days as first team scorer i once had a most unfortunate incident with a slice of excessively buttered malt loaf, my multi coloured biro and one of the umpires dibbly-dobblers. Since that fateful afternoon i've only ever been able to score in pencil. The scars will never heal."

To paraphrase a signature of one of the forum members here

'Cricket, it's a different world' [:P]


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