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Driving to Figeac on Saturday..any suggestions of place for lunch?

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I have some friends (ex-restauranteurs)  who will be leaving from here on Saturday, and driving to Figeac by mainly quiet roads taking a route roughly

Castres ..Albi...Cordes...Najac...Villefranche...Figeac.

I reckon they will get to Albi about 10:30/11:00, and they are looking for somewhere 'en route' to stop for a decent lunch, probably in the sector Cordes..Najac.

While I  have visited both those towns several times I can't say I am up to date on opening hours, and the quality of local restaurants..

What strikes me is that almost no standard 'restaurants' in my town are open on Saturday midday, only snack places.

Have any of you (Ron/Cérise/ chessfou/Clair etc) any useful local knowledge.

After they will be spending a week near Figeac in the valley of the Célé, so recommendations for there are also welcome

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Hi Norman...

Actually if you do pop in on Saturday it will be me and Cathy's daughter who will make you welcome.  Please let me know in advance if you do want lunch as you need to order in advance.

Cheers for the recommendation Cathy.... Sarah is doing a great job, very professional.


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Here is the lot valley and if you zoom you will see the river lot...


Just let me know a day in advance and we will prepare something nice like fresh saddle of lamb or fresh fish, duck etc etc etc....

...Or just drop by for a beer


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Norman, Najac is not exactly en route from Cordes to Figeac, and Le Belle Rive is further still off route being right down by the station, although its a nice setting and good place to eat, if you want to go to Najac there is also Oustal del barry http://www.oustaldelbarry.com/ in the main village by the parking area.

If you want to stay on the main road and not do a 3 km detour there is the place Cerise mentioned in another post its well worth a look and right on the D922, its at St Andre de Najac on the right , you cannot miss it its on the corner of the triangle of fake grass.  There are lots of places in Villefrance, some good, some not so, but Dalis off the main square by the cathedral where you can also park, is good as is Le Relais de Farrou, which is 2kms past Villefranche on the D922 Figeac road, don't be fooled its not a transport cafe, its a good place to eat and highly recommended, but you might have to book.


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I'd go for Dalis in Villefranche too.  If you want to be nearer Cordes the Hacienda which is on the main Albi- Cordes road about 3km before Cordes on the right is slso nice for lunch.  Cordes itself is very ^pretty but a bit touristy and the restaurants are much of a muchness.
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  • 3 weeks later...
A bit late to the discussion but I can recommpend the Oustal del Barry in Najac - it doesn't vaut le voyage but it is well worth a bit of a detour.

Otherwise, in Villefranche (not in the town centre, just off the bypass), the Relais de Farrou is good - they were closed for a long time because of a serious flood from what normally looks like a tiny little stream flowing alongside the garden.

Where did they end up eating and what did they think of it?
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In the end they decided to not even stop in Cordes, as being Saturday morning the Market was on and it was impossible to park, although they did spot a number of red-faced Panama-hatted tourist -looking types  in the sort of ridiculous garb one associates with the Brit abroad.

Stopped for coffee in the little car-park in Lagupié with a much nicer feel, though even there there was a loud English voice bellowing questions from an open car window.

Lunch in Najac: found the Oustal de Barry recommended by Ron and chessfou.

In Najac the loud voice was American complaining about some work on her house that wasn't up to scratch. Serves her right I have had my eye on that house for 7 years!

The best restaurant of the whole trip was north of Conques in the Vallée du Lot, at Veillevie.

The Hotel de la Terrasse

A splendid week eating in apart from that.

The valley of the Célé is lovely and I didn't know it.

The valley of the Lot is an old love affair.

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