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Lymes Disease

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Had an inteersting conversation wtih a GP recently who said that Lymes disease was on the increase in lots of regions in both France and the UK.

Be interested to hear from anyone in the Midi Pyrenees region as to whether you think this is the case and whether it is prevalent in some areas more than others.


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It's pretty common, my dad's had it and a friend of our's has had it also.

It's pretty easy to spot though, and if you catch it early then it's not a big deal. If you've had a tick or been anywhere that tick's hang out (mainly woodland) and you develop a red ring or red circle then see your GP ASAP. The same goes if you find a tick and later develop flu-like symptoms.

They will do a blood test and put you on antibiotics.

Our friend decided his red mark was shingles and left it until the very late stages, it could easily have killed him.
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Yes, most folk around here (the limousin) have had at least one person in their family have take a course of antibiotics due to symptoms coming on after a tick bite.

I had the "bulls eye" which was my initiation to the world of ticks. Since then I've been on the lookout for the little monsters, especially when Spring is around the corner. Back in 2002, we used to lie in the grass and walk through the fields without attracting any of the little blighters (wasn't even aware of their existence),  but now they seem to be everywhere except in a cold winter when they lie low. Last Summer didn't seem to be too bad, it was so hot it must have killed some of them off (apparently the only thing that can kill them - heat).

So I suppose it makes sense, more ticks, more possibility of catching Lyme Disease.


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We were the same - never heard of it hence the interest - need lots of hot summers then to kill them off.  No wonder they are getting worse in the UK!!

GP said to spray with Deet spray and alwyas ensure that your trousers and sleeves are tucked in and wear gloves!  Not much fun when it is a really hot summer.


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I'd stay away from deet, nasty stuff. Just be sensible, don't go through long grass in shorts if it's a deer area and don't have any picnics in the woods or sit on a tree stump ect.

I've only ever found one tick on me and I'm working outside on the land all the time. They're only really bad in large woodlands where you get loads of deer - that's why hunters get them so much.
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My dogson has a history of nasty mental illness and of physical problems going back about 15 years and has both been hospitalized and pilled up to the gills for years. About six months ago a wide awake young doctor thought something was fishy and tested him for Lyme's Disease and bingo. Now, he is on a very long course of anti-biotics which, according to my kids who have regular contact with him, are already making a difference. What he will be like at the end of the treatment remains to be seen, but there is hope that he will at least have a life beyond depression and being regularly institutionalized, though I doubt a full recovery.

So, be wary folks!

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A good friend of mine had a reaction to a tick bite and I chased her to the doctors, she was very reluctant to go................ until I told her it could kill her. She needed anti biotics and was OK.

I am so sorry that it has taken so long to find something to help your dogson Wooly, I hope that the improvements continue.

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