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Grand summer fair, Sunday 6th June

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A pity it isn't for La Ligue contre le Cancer, which is a far more wide-reaching organisation, funding research as well as any of the things done by this inward-looking and limited body.

Why raise funds just for English speakers, when you can help everybody who suffers from Cancer in France, irrespective of the language they speak.

I would urge anybody who wishes to donate to give to:


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When you are in a state of shock, someone who can support you in your own language can be extremely welcome; this is what they are excellent at doing - someone will attend hospital with you, translate documents etc if needed. When I was robbed of my purse some years ago, I could barely think, never mind find the French words I needed; maybe your command of the language is perfect in all respects, in all circumstances, Norman, .

I don't have problems with the many charities supporting cancer and other charities in UK, they all contribute, nor do I in France. Maybe La Ligue will have a similar fundraising effort too.

Interestingly, when I held a coffee morning in support of both Macmillan and CSF last autumn, a French friend preferred her donation to go to Macmillan, as she didn't trust a 'French charity' due to a scandal about money going missing. A Belgian friend insisted her donation went only to the French charity, as she hadn't heard of Macmillan.

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I agree with gardengirl, when you are in a state of shock, you need someone to help you, to be able to communicate in your own language. I don,t think they,re trying to raise funds ..just for English speakers...just trying to help those who,s French isn,t quite good enough to deal with something as tough as discovering you,ve got cancer. I discovered 3 yrs ago...in France..that I had colon cancer,quite advanced. I was lucky,my French is good but now after 3 yrs of hospitals, oncologists,chemo and every thing else it,s excellant. Others aren,t that lucky and believe me if you thinkit,s easy to discuss all that in a language you,re not quite sure of..it,s not, apart from that, you NEED to be able to discuss/ask questions on your own language.So, if you,re near there, please drop by and support them. Even though my French was good, I remember wishing I knew someone English going through the same thing. And just in case there is someone needing help or advise, just message me or e-mail me.

Janey (who hasn,t posted for AGES)
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It's on Sunday 6th June, between 11.00 and 17.00, at the old cricket field, 500 metres south of Roujan on D13. My info is that it's in beautiful surroundings.

All will be most welcome, and if anyone has any of the following they can take along to donate on the day, the organisers will be most grateful:

new or good condition jewellery, toys, DVDs, CDs. Cakes etc and plants will also be gratefully received.

There will be crafts, antiques, plants, books, wine, jewellery, a kids' zone and more.

Hope some of you can get there. If anyone wants to know more about CSF, here's the website:  http://www.csf-languedoc.com/

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