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Complete France Forum

Seperate forum for animal re-housing ?

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I think the time has come for a seperate forum to deal with unwanted pets, strays, rescued animals etc.

Any views ?

Of late this forum has been inundated with requests for re-homing animals - I don't have a problem with this - I just think a dedicated forum would be more appropriate.


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There is a Pets section on here so that is where people automatically go for anything concerning pets.

I have read the "sticky" at the top of the Pets section, but don't see there is anywhere else to go for rehoming.  Perhaps I have missed or misunderstood something?  Could you please clarify?

Thank you, Christine 

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Yes - pleased to offer clairification.

Pets for re-homing shoud be offered in the 'pets' section of the forum (though don't forget to state the location), rather than the regional forums or any other section.

Just for reference, the 'sticky' reads: 

"Re-homing Pets?


Individuals/breeders are not allowed to advertise pets for sale on this forum, these will be removed. However posts referring to pets that are ‘free to a good home’ or 'rescue centre' pets are welcome.

Please state if you are a rescue centre or individual in your post to avoid confusion.


On all posts please put your town/region to help members."

I agree that it would be better if it also said that all pets offered should be in the Pets section. I'll see to it shortly.

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[quote]I think the time has come for a seperate forum to deal with unwanted pets, strays, rescued animals etc. Any views ? Of late this forum has been inundated with requests for re-homing animals - I don'...[/quote]

**I think the time has come for a seperate forum to deal with unwanted pets, strays, rescued animals etc.**

Do 'wives' fall into the above category?

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It all depends what they are like.  Are they trained, cat friendly, can you leave them alone when you go out, without expecting them to have got up to any tricks while you are not there, are they quiet, well behaved, etc.?  Do you really think anyone else would want to have them, even "for free"?

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[quote]It all depends what they are like. Are they trained, cat friendly, can you leave them alone when you go out, without expecting them to have got up to any tricks while you are not there, are they quie...[/quote]

**It all depends what they are like. Are they trained, cat friendly, can you leave them alone when you go out, without expecting them to have got up to any tricks while you are not there, are they quiet, well behaved, etc.? Do you really think anyone else would want to have them, even "for free"?**

Hmmmm . . . . can I get back to you on that? I have to give that some thought!

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I'm going to stop this now !!!


Ray's other half (Theresa) - whom he usually refers to as 'T' - is delightful and would make a wonderful pet .

Don't be taken in by his hoax.

(Working on the sign Ray !).



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[quote]I'm going to stop this now !!! BEHAVE, RAY ! Ray's other half (Theresa) - whom he usually refers to as 'T' - is delightful and would make a wonderful pet . Don't be taken in by his hoax. (Work...[/quote]

>>Ray's other half (Theresa) - whom he usually refers to as 'T' - is delightful and would make a wonderful pet .<<

I have had her name and address tatooed in her ear. Would hate to lose her!

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[quote]He was wise to prefer the tattoo, which can be immediately seen, and the British microchip doesn't work here anyway.[/quote]

I told T about this coversation and she had a few words to say, Who is Van Gogh and what does 'neutered' mean??

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[quote]He was wise to prefer the tattoo, which can be immediately seen, and the British microchip doesn't work here anyway.[/quote]

Christine, I know that your post was in the middle of a jovial (though just a teeny bit sexist??) exchange which you may have been joining, but for the sake of any startled pet owners, I want to say the British microchip - when inserted in an animal - does definitely work in France. Otherwise there'd be some problems at French vets and ports with animals going backwards and forwards between the UK and France, would there not? 

I don't think the registration of a UK microchip number on the French national database is possible - which may be what you meant? - in which case a tattoo gets round that problem should a pet get lost.

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Catalpa, you missed the whole point, even if there it was jovial, it was a reminder that the British microchip does not work in France.  At the ports they can see that the animal has one, but the great debate is that if an animal is lost here, the owner cannot be traced and this is something very important we are working on at the moment with the Sheeriks at Phoenix as a little English dog was put down in a Brittany refuge after eight days before his owners finally found out where he was, because they could not be traced through the microchip.  And we do want to startle pet owners about this and will soon be back on a separate thread.

By the way Ian (Deimos), if you see this, I couldn't get the site you mentioned www.europet.com/who/default.asp


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[quote]Catalpa, you missed the whole point, even if there it was jovial, it was a reminder that the British microchip does not work in France. At the ports they can see that the animal has one, but the grea...[/quote]


How odd. The last paragraph of my post must be invisible.

My point... whole or otherwise... was that your statement, if taken out of the context of lost pets (or wives) was incorrect. A casual glance at this thread could mislead.

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