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Well thanks a lot McKenzie a useful tip for me to persue. Very kind of thee to take the time.

Also the wise words of guru Miki was it? Yes will sure to be in the local bars too so maybe I will stumble across an informal lesbain network.

Thanks to Sue J and Tresco especially for understanding what I meant initially and not getting their pantaloons in a tangle.

Viva thanks for your comments sorry if they were intially misinterpreted but prior to that the general tone of some responses had riled moi!

So not sure if I dare post anything else on the forum after that, only kidding what a great resource...

A bientot

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All weird.......you lot.

 Loads gay people all over the world.

 Loads of places to go for all, straight places, or strictly gay, and as far as Iv.e seen very well advertised in my area of France.

We are all different, but some of us are worse.....

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I don't know whereabouts Hesdin is and am admittedly too lazy to look. However, when we lived in Manche, the nearest big town was Caen and there was a guide (le Petit Fute) on Caen and its environs that listed a vast varity of gay bars, clubs, meetings and the like. There may be a similar guide for your area, worth a look I would have thought?
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  • 2 months later...

A Reminder: Users of this forum are asked not to post messages that ...

  • Are insulting, abusive, racist, sexist, or derogatory in any way to others, whether they are individuals or companies, users of the Forum or not.

    This taken from the 'code of conduct' of this forum.

    Claude's post is perfectly legitimate. Have come across loads of similar postings from people wanting to meet up with others in their area of France who have shared interests based on aspects (and I use the word carefully) of their lifestyle. e.g. one young mum asked to meet other young mums in her area. I didn't see any postings that implied a criticism of this as does La Bezarderie's first post.

    Stick to the point of the original post i.e. Any Lesbian life out there? and if you've nothing to say in response to this specific question stay out of it!

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    Same sex relationships are very much the minority relationships when compared with what most people think as normal,it is the facist nature of the gay/lesbien lobby to come down hard on anyone who dares oppose their view that turn off a lot of folk just as some one else posted,it is I am a lesbien first that gets up peoples noses,maybe that is the intention I do not know,the good news is that now same "sex couples"now have the same rights as normal folk and when they split up they have the same rights as well.
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    Why is this turning into a debate over same sex relationships, fascism and what most people see as normal?

    This is just one person wanting to find out what kind of social life is out there in her area of France for lesbians, just as others ask for contacts with any other pregnant women, anyone with teenage children, any over fifties etc. etc. etc.

    When you move to France it's hard to establish friendships, everyone has a starting point and this is Claude's. Don't make this request more than it is.


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    This subject had been 'closed' for almost 3 months- Petit Blanc, I just wonder what is your point in reopening this other than to pontificate? You haven't added anything to assist the original poster either but just stirred le bouffon into making his usual words of wisdom.
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    Hi Viva,

    I've only just discovered the forum and am not aware that threads become 'closed' after a certain time.[*-)]

    My original post was making a valid point about not 'highjacking' the point of the discussion so it could stay on track and not wander off down some well-worn but irrelevant path.[:(]

    I had already PM'ed Claude so as to 'add something' while I undertake some additional research, the results of which will be posted for anyone else new who looks in.

    Couldn't resist replying to Le Bouffon but no intent to 'pontificate'.[:$]

    Happy New Year.

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    Research came up with the following...


    Go to the Normandy link (nearest region I could find on here), there is a gay and lesbian link. Also from here you can down load the booklet, 'Gay Friendly France' from the official french tourist office.

    Try also...


    This is the French Fedration of gay businesses. Click on the tab "Annuaire' for a map of regions. Found a bar in Le Touquet...

    LE 110 BAR

    110, rue de Moscou

    62520LE TOUQUET


    Tél. 0321059714

    Ouvert du dimanche au jeudi de 18h à 3h, vendredi et samedi de 18h à 5, tls de 18h à 6h du 1er juin au 31 août.

    and in region 59 found...


    178, rue Casimir Giroud



    Tél. 0327082240
    Ouvert du mardi au jeudi de 22h à 2h, vendredi et samedi de 22h à 4h.

    Plus loads of places in Lille. Also several places in region 60 and 76.

    Hope this helps.

    Petit Blanc

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