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Aha! You see there are advantages of being tall! I am hoping to ride Lancia eventually although we are not sure if she has ever been ridden so will need some help with that, we do know that she has done some Concours and Driving but other than that we do not  know much more. She is in the French Percheron Stud book and has her papers so at one time she obviously was thought of more than she is currently, other than by me of course!

They are such lovely looking creatures and I cannot believe I have been lucky enough to get her.

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Hello Nicos,

Thanks for that.

Her name is 'Lancia' well actually it's 'Lancia 3' she is registered in the French Percheron Stud Book!

I am going to keep her name as it part of the thing that I like about her although I wouldn't care what she was called I would still have gone and got her!  It's one of the things though that I think Fate played a part in. They are:

1. Her name, I drive a Lancia(Oh not sure if I should admit to that!).

2. When I went down to see her I looked at her papers and her date of birth is the date hubby and I got engaged!

3. Again on checking her papers she was registered on the 9th September 1999 exactly a year to the date before we got married!

So all in all very spooky and in my opinion fate!!!!!!!!

Will post a picture of her once I get her home, just waiting to hear when I can go and collect her hopefully Friday if not Monday as the flippin dealer is not there at the weekend.

However Melissa has posted a picture of her on the posting: Urgent Help Needed for Horses

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Well They say things happen for a reason and I think Lancia was sent to me for just that! As I have had to have my precious boy(Morse,9yr old GSD) put to sleep this morning[:(] as the illness he has been battling with for some months had taken it's toll. The vet thinks he had Prostrate Cancer and that is what kicked of the EPI. As you can imagine I am devastated and just keep crying(big softie eh!)


Please give all you animals a big hug from me.

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One life given and one taken, isn't that what they say Morse?  You did all you could for the poor boy, but sometimes it is kinder to let them go peacefully rather than prolong sufferring.   You now have Lancia who needs you to show kindness & compassion so it will be a help to you.  (You aren't a softie, just caring!)
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