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[quote]Hi I think I have seen the glass blocks at The Brico Marche between Brionne and Bernay Everything there is priced well so hopefully they will also be well priced. Regards Paul[/quote]

Thanks for that Paul will have a look there when we next visit Normandy.

Sue Lieurey 27(mainly KSA)  

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Glass bricks are in Le Roy Merlin. I saw them there when I bought a new bathroom.

Just returned from a short break in Normandy - Eure 27. Weather cold and we had hail stone for half a day. Not sure whats happening to the ferry at Dover-Calais but it certainly disturbed our journey to and from the Channel Tunnel both ways.


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[quote]Sue,Glass bricks are in Le Roy Merlin. I saw them there when I bought a new bathroom.Just returned from a short break in Normandy - Eure 27. Weather cold and we had hail stone for half a day. Not sure...[/quote]

Thanks for that Jon can you tell me where Le Roy Merlin is?


Sue Lieurey 27 (mainly Saudi)

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[quote]Has anyone in 27 had contact with the authorities regarding the 2005 regs on fosse septique. Sorry to bring boring topics to the thread. Paul[/quote]

Yes! We had a visit a couple of weeks ago from an official concerning "assainissements non collectif." We asked him about the new fosse septique regs and the need to convert to a fosse tous eau.He was completely relaxed and said we could if we wished, but if the current fosse was working, we should not need to do so!
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[quote]Hi 27's,Glass blocks which Sue was looking for. I saw them at Le Roy Merlin in Rouen. They had clear and coloured ones. Hopes this helps.Jon27[/quote]


Much appreciated Jon will have a look there during our holiday.

Sue Lieurey 27 (mainly KSA) 

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Hi to All,

Enjoyed a great but cold visit to 27 last weekend. Actually found the Hippo Service shop in Cormeilles, it has to be the smallest shop around, so I was not surprised that I had never seen it before.

I am hearing reports that the weather has got colder. My neighbour tells me -8C in Cormeilles yesterday morning. I also understand there is 10 ins snow near Lisieux. These temps always concern me because of the damage to the house that this extreme cold can do.

There is a new resturant in Cormeilles. Les Gourmandises in the main street. Must admit to looking but being put off by the price, which is on the higher side.

We took a meal at Les Mont Mirel in Rue Pont Audemer. The meals were on the good side of OK, but I would not travel too far for the experience.

Best meal of the weekend was on the Pride of Portsmouth last Sunday afternoon. Boat was well full (end of half term) so rather than face the cafe, we ate in Langans. Do not do this very often (1st time for 3 years, which was then pre Langans) but turned out to be a very enjoyable experience.

Looking forward to returning to 27 next weekend on our P&O Booze cruise. Hope it will be warmer by then


Robin Wolf

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We got back lastnight after cutting our trip short due to it being so very freezing!

We only have electric heating and a big open fire, but a Badger was lodged in the chimney so we could not use the fire.

There was a good bit of snow but the sun was shining all the time, but I have never been so frozed in all me life!

My cats had icicles hanging from them!

I do worry about pipes freezing in this weather.


I have never smelled a burning badger

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Hello Robin

I love Robins, I have one that sits on the wall on my patio in France waiting for me every morning for his bit of bread.

The badger 'Marcel' is known in the neighbourhood and has a reputation for getting stuck in the odd chimney where he can get a bit of warmth. I believe he climbs up the colombage on single story houses and just chucks himself down into the chimney and sometimes gets lodged in the kinked part.

Did you buy a hippo from the hippo shop in Cormeilles then? I never thought I would see such a thing in Cormeilles, I would have thought they would get more trade in Lisieux.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi 27's,

Just looked at the world weather news and see you have some wonderful sunny days to come in Eure, area 27. Has the sunshine arrived? We travel to 27 on Good Friday and hope for good dry weather to get on in the garden and sort out the jungle.


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We were over this weekend. Over on the Portsmouth Le Havre on Thursday night, back this morning. Weather magnificent! In T shirts all weekend. Sat outside at the Bar des Allies in PA during the Friday farmer's market nursing a coffee watching the world go by.

Friday morning started foggy but as it cleared the temperatures soared and we had a great time. Dined at the Hotel de France in St Georges - simple pleasure, low cost and good food and company.  We did try to book into the Hotel de Post in Beuzeville but it is still closed although I was told that it will open next weekend.

The mayor arrived for a chat and news update and proudly presented us with our new house number plate to be fixed using the "non corroding brass screws"! We also managed to meet up with the roofer who promised to start work next month after all the extra work he's had after the storms in January.

The weather doesn't look so bad next weekend either although the forecast seems to change by the day. We're planning to go back for Easter via Eurotunnel although I see that all crossings on Friday morning are fully booked so it's either going to be a question of using one of the Club Crossings I've booked for the year or a long stay crossing and go over on Thursday night.

The one negative point of the weekend was the deterioriation of the P&O service to Le Havre, obviously being run down in preparation for closure. We've pretty much decided not to use the route again which was sad after all the good memories of late night Friday crossings in the late 90s. Thinking back to the times when the Piano bar was packed every crossing and we had to queue for a place in the waiter service restaurant it was sad to see the empty ship on both outward and return crossing.

Best Regards


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Hi Alan,

Sounds like you had the perfect break.

Interested in your comments about the boat. I have had offers sent to me today from P&O based on book by April travel by end December for £75 each way(no time limit). I thought P&O were out of P/mouth - LH during September, perhaps not.

They also offer £49 for a 24hr return & £70 for 72 hrs return.

Enjoy your Easter visit



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  • 2 weeks later...

They have a great big one in St Julien The Falcon every year, I aint sure when it is this year though! The last time I went there it was bull massive and bursting with stuff and nonsense that you would either want or not want. Some stuff was deer, and some was even deerer! I bought a dog stretcher and a piece of wood shaped like a tree for 10 euros! bargain of the day in my opinion.

I do love going round those video greners, you never know what you might find! The atmosphere is great too. Parking is a problem as they are so popular now, you may be better off going on a bike or walking.

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Hello everyone in 27, I am so very excited to say that we, too, are now officially in 27 - only part-time for now, but we have dreams...Three weeks ago we took possession of our house just off the square in St Georges du Vievre and it has been great reading about how much you all like the region.  We are so pleased to have settled on it after about 3 (happy!) years of researching where in France we want to be.  So, just wanted to say hi and thanks for all the restaurant recommendations, we'll look forward to sampling them soon.

Everyone that we have met so far in St Georges and Lieurey seems so friendly and our house was left in absolutely spotless condition for us to move into, so good experiences so far, long may they last.


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  • 1 month later...

I just wanted to add another restaurant to the list of those recommended earlier.

We had dinner at the Auberge de la Fontaine in St Simeon last night and it was excellent and good value too with friendly service in a lovely location which will be great for summer lunches.

We had been to the restaurant a couple of times under the previous owners and it had deteriorated so much the second time that we didn't go back. We saw on the roadside sign that it is now under new management and tried it last night and will be going back.

St Simeon is about 3 miles out of Lieurey just off the Pont Audemer road.

Best Regards


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  • 2 years later...

Hello all fellow 27's just been searching the site and found this thread. We have had our second home for just over 12 months and havnt met any Brits in our area department 27. The thread is an old one so maybe people have moved on.

Any ways....Lovely weather so far - we are here for 5 days so long may it last.


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