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Weather warnings

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That's a different site. [:)]

Looked up our weather yesterday & was so happy to see 'Tempête de sud-ouest' for us tomorrow, NOT! The forecast for now was 'vent très fort de sud-ouest'. They seem to have got it right, deep joy! Just hope we don't lose any trees this time. [:(]

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Oh hell, forgot about them Megs, I hope not too. [:(] They went up early last year because I was on my tod for Xmas. lol! Oh hell..........I can't use that excuse for some being up in November this year though [:$]

It is hard to believe it's the 1st already, where does the time go? [:(]

Hope you're not too windy down there! Well that's back on topic isn't it? [;-)]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lightning here in 46 last night, took out my router so running on an ancient USB modem pending a replacement arriving.

Funny no warning, heavy rain on and off all day but no sign of thunder or lightning and then just the one big clap and flash and exit one router :(]

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