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Naughty Girls Stories!

Just Katie

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Gay has shared a very amusing story with us of climbing down a drainpipe with her mate wearing half a bikini each and little else.  This really surprised me and has shattered the illusion I previously had of her.  I want to start this thread to know about all the naughty things the ladies of the forum got up to as youngsters.  That should burst a few bubbles.


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I won't be able to share in this thread.  I have lived a completely blameless life.  I have never taken my clothes off in public under the influence of alcohol, I have never smoked anything I shouldn't have, I remained a virgin until I was, oh, at least 70, I did not spend my youthful years going on 14-hour coach trips to CND marches, and I have NEVER deliberately annoyed anyone on any internet forum.  In any way whatsoever.  And I speak French with a perfect accent.  Just not sure what accent it is.

But I look forward to everyone else's confessions.

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A 'friend of mine' was in spain with her mates and this lad fancied himself a bit and went into the room she was sharing with a friend with a cock and bull story about the shower being broken.  They allowed him to use the shower and the young urk must have thought women thought like men "yeah if I let the towel slip accidently they wont resist me".  Towel slipped,  wayhayyy, boy straight out the door in all his glory.

I dont know what happened to that girl.

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

Gay has shared a very amusing story with us of climbing down a drainpipe with her mate wearing half a bikini each and little else.  This really surprised me and has shattered the illusion I previously had of her.  I want to start this thread to know about all the naughty things the ladies of the forum got up to as youngsters.  That should burst a few bubbles.



Just can't do it KKK - or I'll get banned under the obscene bit of the Ts & Cs.  I've already told my story of my black bra and knickers on the same thread as Gay's story.  Suffice to say I was a student nurse, living away from homefor the first time in central London at the ripe old age of 18 back in the mid/late 70's![6]  So unless someone else's naught anecdotes jog my memory to something that CAN be repeated here I'll just have to remain schtum and think about Johan Cruyff!

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

... even Padraig ?:!!!   [:-))]   [:-))]   [:-))]

Which thread is the Gay drainpipe story ?   [geek]




No , I am more fussy than that!  no offence padraig but you are just not my type.

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[quote user="SaligoBay"]

I won't be able to share in this thread.  I have lived a completely blameless life.  [/quote]

Thinks: they believed me, looks like I got away with it. [Www]

Sorry to hear about your Camargue criminals, CA.   It's rough down here in the South!

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]Twinkle used to live in Spain and used to ride a big motorbike wearing a leather jacket and a pair of knickers.  She used to pull a good wheelie too until she was showing off in front of some lads at the traffic light and in all went pete tong.[/quote]

The jacket was as long as a mini-dress.  You forget to mention my black leather cap[:$] God it sounds very s & m now but at the time it was very hip!  I did do a little wheelie as i was driving through the busy nighclub strip just to attract a tiny bit more of attention to myself!  Only thing was, I had so much Bergasol on my legs that I slipped off the seat- the bike carried on going with me hanging onto the handlebars and I got dragged along the road.  Sooo humiliating and my tan was ruined for at least a month!

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[6]OK, as everyone elses stories have been pretty lame, I'll bite.

I'm hoping to bring car lovers shrieking in here, and by the way, I'm a little disturbed about the 'girls' part, because the chaps were probably bad in their earlier days too. In fact, evidence of this is provided within this tale. Sorry I can't claim any innocence like all the rest of the wimps who posted before me. This happened in France, near Nice somewhere, but we couldn't afford the beaches there, this was a far less classy place, as you will see[:$]

A long long time ago, I went on holiday with two of my sisters. Small sis and I went out for the night and copped off with two gorgeous blerks who had been chatting us up on the beach for a couple of days. 

So, the next night when we went to meet them (as arranged). They were there with two other women, who weren't us! [:'(]

It was only at that point that we noticed the nightclub was full of moody looking women, all glaring at these two blerks. We got chatting with a few glarers and learned that these two guys were serial seducers, and they span the same line to different people every day on the beach and then every night in the club (sometimes more than once a night). 

Well we got plastered on those ridiculous drinks like they serve in Spain and as our embarassment about our naiveity diminished, our rage increased.

We decided to take revenge. We went back to the appartment and picked up a few bulbs of garlic. Then we found their car, which was a very smart open topped chappie, and smeared it all over, inside and out with Garlic. We even managed to fill the keyholes with it.[:-))]

Then we were just stumbling around giggling, and waiting for the blerks to come back to the car,  hiding behind a wall near a lane of some sort. Except it wasn't a lane, it was a ditch, full of something  vile, and small sis went flying face first into it.  

She was covered from head to toe with this thick gloopy filthy stuff. I half dragged half carried her back to the hotel and put her in the pool. She turned the big pool black, and the baby pool black, but was still covered in it.

To my shame I dumped small sis in the shower (literally) and went back to the car and the nightclub, still hoping to see the blerks reaction to the desecration of their love machine. (No luck there)

When I got back all  hell was letting loose. The appartment was covered in slime, (as was the foyer, the lift, and the corridors) and there were several medical type people there, loading small sis onto a stretcher, as she had a huge cut on her leg which we somehow hadn't noticed. She could have bled to death in that shower, she had to have 12 stitches.  The shower looked like the one in Psycho.

Big sis was not impressed; but we were heroines for ten days in that nightclub when word got out about the 'special treatment' we had given the car. We all still say it was the best holiday we ever had, and I still have the photo of the full body shaped impression my sister made when she landed in that ditch[6]

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I won't be able to share in this thread.  I have lived a

completely blameless life.  I have never taken my clothes off in

public under the influence of alcohol, I have never smoked anything I

shouldn't have, I remained a virgin until I was, oh, at least 70, I did

not spend my youthful years going on 14-hour coach trips to CND

marches, and I have NEVER deliberately annoyed anyone on any internet

forum.  In any way whatsoever.  And I speak French with a

perfect accent.  Just not sure what accent it is.

But I look forward to everyone else's confessions.


You reckon it slipped by eh!

When you wake up in the morning and find that flipping great ulcery

thing on the tip of your tongue, that will learn you to fib on a forum.

I find it so awfully annoying when people try to pretend they is moi  [:D]

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I have slept with Le Bouffon![:P]

That story takes some beating.  You are the top floozie.  On par with Sticky Vicky


Whoah there, just hold on.......If Mrs O can turn a light bulb on à la

Sticky style, then I will bow to her being top floozie, until


Here by the way for Katie, is the Sticky Vicky grand entrance anthem (as I remember it !!)

'Cos for twenty-four years

I've been living next door to Alice.

Alice, who the f*** is Alice

Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance,

To tell her how I'm feeling, maybe get a second glance,

Now I've got to get used to not living next door to Alice...

Alice, who the f*** is Alice

Et Voila, le son et lumière commence...................

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[quote user="Pip"]I was a good girl I was !  C'est la vie - full of regrets.....  [/quote]

Sorry Pip, but that is pathetic, and so are the blokes.

 In fact you all are, with the possible exception of Saligo Bay, who may or may not be a good liar, better than Pip anyway.

Pip, please note I cropped your quote for the effect. I felt I had to make myself quite clear[;-)]

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 In fact you all are, with the possible exception of Saligo Bay, who may or may not be a good liar, better than Pip anyway.

My mum thought I was a good girl so I couldn't have been that bad a liar !!  [:$]

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