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Terrible News

Just Katie

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Does anybody remember the first time they saw the film Bambi?  Thumper arrived with his mother just after Bambi was born and criticised the newcomer in his childlike innocent way.  Everybody was very embarrassed mostly Thumpers mum who cried,

"THUMPER! Remember what your father told you! If you cant think of anything nice to say, dont't say anything at all"

That little saying always stuck with me.

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Apart from missing Twinkle*, I have become concerned about losing contact with the forum, myself.   Can anyone advise me which company is best, to sign up with, in France?  We should be moving over about June time (although the hubby is having a major wobble about it at the moment!!) & as far as I know there are not anywhere near the same choices as in the UK.  Do you know how to find out which areas already have Broadband? Any advice, hints, tip etc. would be great!! [:)]
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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

.  Also she said she has pm'd Bassman and was anxious to know whether he knew the 'man' so whats the answer Bassman?    



Hmmmmm not recieved a PM [8-)] But I think I know who she means , I met him a few times when we rehearsed in his parents house but he was a bit errr "up himself" at the time having just got a deal LOL, my mate who was the bass player in that band(I played guitar in that one) was in the "man's" band a year or so later so he knew him better [;-)]

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[quote user="Christine Animal"] At least Mrs. Tresco is not going to bother me any more about who the Martian was...[/quote]

Have I been a botheration? It won't happen again Madame Animal [6]

I think Pauls real bike is the one the little pig is on. [:-))]

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[quote user="Bassman"][quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

.  Also she said she has pm'd Bassman and was anxious to know whether he knew the 'man' so whats the answer Bassman?    



Hmmmmm not recieved a PM [8-)] But I think I know who she means , I met him a few times when we rehearsed in his parents house but he was a bit errr "up himself" at the time having just got a deal LOL, my mate who was the bass player in that band(I played guitar in that one) was in the "man's" band a year or so later so he knew him better [;-)]


Hi Paul,

KKK has confused things a little (bless her) i sent you a pm asking you if you knew or remember the Man band a welsh 70's band? 

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It's been a nightmare trying to get wanadoo installed.  We had no choice this is the only user available for broadband in the hamlet where we live.  To find out if you have broadband or what users are available in your village you should call the local 'mairie'.  If broadband isn't available (like here when we first moved here) you can get a petition going, I think you need 25 people to sign and then you take it to your mairie.  It takes a while but you'll get there.  If you have a choice I suggest you definately avoid wanadoo!

We were on the phone to their helpline for two days, everytime one of the assistants started giving us the direction we needed, we'd get cut off.  You then have to call back and wait a minimum of 10 mins.  At one point, I calmly asked one of them to be careful not to disconnect us again and she said "Hold on, I'm just going to connect you to another department",  a lady answered and when I explained what was going on she told me that I'd been put through to an old peoples residence![:-))]

Anyway, to cut a very long story short, and to avoid the 150 euros call out charge wanadoo demand to come round and install their livebox system,  we called a good friend who is extremely computer savvy and he came over and saved our lives and a lot of money!

  Be very careful with the helplines, I'm sure they give great advice most of the time, but we were told so many different things by different people, one of them being that we needed to change our telephone line as it was not compatible etc.. there was no need for any of that.  Good luck Ali - don't worry 'bout losing  touch with the forum - you can always break into a neighbours house to use their computer like I almost did this week[:D]

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]


It's been a nightmare trying to get wanadoo installed.  We had no choice this is the only user available for broadband in the hamlet where we live.  To find out if you have broadband or what users are available in your village you should call the local 'mairie'.  If broadband isn't available (like here when we first moved here) you can get a petition going, I think you need 25 people to sign and then you take it to your mairie.  It takes a while but you'll get there.  If you have a choice I suggest you definately avoid wanadoo!


Twinkle, I think they're all the same.  Effing useless!   Loads of complaints about Free (who account for about 50% of complaints to the controlling body).  We had an equally bad time with Alice.  Phone support might as well not be there, there wasn't even a waiting option, it always just said "due to the success of our campaign we are unable to deal with your call, please try again later".  [:@]

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We are with Alice and not long back I had a most interesting

converstion with one of their helpers, after a zillion minutes of

trying to get through.

Well  they told me what I wanted to know and that was, why was I

not getting connected, although I was showing two green lights for Go,

Go, Go, (whoops sorry got carried away there !) simple, they were

carrying out neccessary works !

"Why didn't you inform us then " said I

Alice "Well we just can't do that but it is on our website"

I gave up looking after a while but I know it's there but I just lose the will in the end..............

Now here's the crunch, I challenge anyone to see if they can this response form an assistant at Alice :

Moi :" Just why does it take so long to get through to someone at Alice"

Alice : "Probably because of the success of the helpline"

At that point, I once again felt the need to search out the very sharp pointy

things, they really helped to take the pain away from

my attempt to deciper that answer.

 OK, a brilliant answer but I think I need to know the technical word for b*ll***s when and if I get that person again......

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 "Ridge Hall computer assistant; may I help you?"

"Yes, well, I'm having trouble with WordPerfect."

"What sort of trouble?"

"Well, I was just typing along, and all of a sudden the words went


"Went away?"

"They disappeared."

"Hmm. So what does your screen look like now?"



"It's blank; it won't accept anything when I type."

"Are you still in WordPerfect, or did you get out?"

"How do I tell?"

"Can you see the C:\prompt on the screen?"

"What's a sea-prompt?"

"Never mind. Can you move the cursor around on the screen?"

"There isn't any cursor: I told you, it won't accept anything I type."

"Does your monitor have a power indicator?"

"What's a monitor?"

"It's the thing with the screen on it that looks like a TV.

Does it have a little light that tells you when it's on?"

"I don't know."

"Well, then look on the back of the monitor and find where the power

cord goes into it. Can you see that?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Great! Follow the cord to the plug, and tell me if it's plugged into

the wall."

"Yes, it is."

"When you were behind the monitor, did you notice that there were two

cables plugged into the back of it, not just one?"


"Well, there are. I need you to look back there again and find the

other cable."

"Okay, here it is."

"Follow it for me, and tell me if it's plugged securely in to the back

of your computer."

"I can't reach."

"Uh huh. Well, can you see if it is?"


"Even if you maybe put your knee on something and lean way over?"

"Oh, it's not because I don't have the right angle-it's because it's



"Yes-the office light is off, and the only light I have is coming in

from the window."

"Well, turn on the office light then."

"I can't."

"No? Why not?"

"Because there's a power outage."

"A power... A power outage? Aha! Okay, we've got it licked now. Do you

still have the boxes and manuals and packing stuff your computer

came in?"

"Well, yes, I keep them in the closet."

"Good! Go get them, and unplug your system and pack it up just like it

was when you got it. Then take it back to the store you bought

it from."

"Really? Is it that bad?"

"Yes, I'm afraid it is."

"Well, all right then, I suppose. What do I tell them?"

"Tell them, you are too stupid to own a computer".

Old, but oh so true...

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Twinkles back![:D]

[quote user="Miki"] I think I need to know the technical word for b*ll***s when and if I get that person again......


I think you've already found the correct term Miki[:D]

We got one over on Tiscali/Alice in the end. The credit card we had set it up was due to run out... so we let it, just for the thrill of seeing Alice squirm (and not in a good way) [:-))]


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Ah but the crunch is Tresco, we need them all to squirm.

For all the folks that say X is good  another lot say they are

cr*p and Y is better and so it  goes on. I don't know of anyone

that has not had problems with one or more of them !

So I had the technical term all the time.................[;-)]

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My hubby was playing a concert for Stade de Toulouse last week and he had lunch next to the model who 'stars' in the Alice adverts. Don't ask me what she was doing there.  Anyway, much to my delight - he tells me she looks about 14 (probably 'cos' she is!) and is so skinny she has no 'derriere'!

  Am I off thread? Please let me know - I get so carried away sometimes.[8-)]

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]


Apparently I'm the only one awake. 

 I'm going to bed now, wish me luck for my concert tomorrow[:)]

HAPPY EASTER!!!  I miss Cadbury's creme eggs sooooooooooooo much!


Spill the beans Twinkie, is he Johnny ? Is he Mick practicing there for

Les Stones June concert et toi ? And for you tonight, I wish you luck for

whatever you are doing in the concert?

Please put us in the picture, go on, go on,  go on you knows you wanna !

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[quote user="TWINKLE"][quote user="Bassman"][quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

.  Also she said she has pm'd Bassman and was anxious to know whether he knew the 'man' so whats the answer Bassman?    



Hmmmmm not recieved a PM [8-)] But I think I know who she means , I met him a few times when we rehearsed in his parents house but he was a bit errr "up himself" at the time having just got a deal LOL, my mate who was the bass player in that band(I played guitar in that one) was in the "man's" band a year or so later so he knew him better [;-)]


Hi Paul,

KKK has confused things a little (bless her) i sent you a pm asking you if you knew or remember the Man band a welsh 70's band? 



Ah right

Tresco--- I wish I was  famous...... no not really it looks like a pain in the bum being famous LOL

The "man" I thought you may have been reffering to was Chris Rea as I was in a band with his brother Adrian many.many,many years ago[:)]

Twinkle---- yes I remember MAN well Deke Leonard and co. still got a few of their albums on vinyl [8-|]

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