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Complete France Forum

Terrible News

Just Katie

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I deeply regret having to inform you that my dear friend Twinkle* is no longer around.  The tragic news reached me yesterday and I have been asked to pass a message on to all her new friends at Living France of the tragic event that has taken place.

She knew this was coming but put it to the back of her mind and yesterday her innermost fears were realised as her and her husband attempted to change users.  Nothing is compatable anymore and she can no longer access the forum and her husband carries a huge shrug of demain.  However, she wishes everybody well and much to my annoyance has told me she will ring me every night to send messages to you all from her isolated barn in the tarn.

She has throughly enjoyed her time on the forum and has asked me to keep an eye on Miki to make sure he stays faithful.  Also she said she has pm'd Bassman and was anxious to know whether he knew the 'man' so whats the answer Bassman?  On a brighter side for her she will return but when, we will leave that to fate.

If anybody has a message, good or bad for Twinkle* please post it here so I can pass it on and I will read them to her when she contacts me.  

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

She knew this was coming but put it to the back of her mind and yesterday her innermost fears were realised as her and her husband attempted to change users.  [/quote]

There is nothing worse than an unfaithful husband, apart from a wife who sees all the signs but 'puts it to the back of her mind'.

Tell Twinks she was a mug, and that if she takes him back she's an even bigger mug![:P]

Edit, sorry I now see it was more of a 'swapping' type situation. How they manage that in an isolated barn I don't know. There is much about France that remains a mystery to me.

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

I deeply regret having to inform you that my dear friend Twinkle* is no longer around. 


Please tell her that Mark & I will raise a glass of wine to her tonight - she shall not be forgotten & we shall all be with her in spirt, until her return.  [:(]

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

Thank you very much Ali. That is very kind and I will tell her.




Maybe we should start referring to her as ASDA - They were never as good as Tescos!!  [;-)]

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

She has throughly enjoyed her time on the

forum and has asked me to keep an eye on Miki to make sure he stays

faithful.  Also she said she has pm'd Bassman and was anxious to

know whether he knew the 'man' so whats the answer Bassman?  On a

brighter side for her she will return but when, we will leave that to



Don't worry about moi, I'm a one man band, 

Oh I'm a one man band nobody cares nor understands. Is there

anybody here who could lend a hand, to my one man band I'm a one man band

...whoops come over all Roger and Leo then or is it Brahms and Liszt, easy to mix up eh [;-)]

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Of course I'm missing Twinkle*. I wondered where she was last night.

Tell her Miki let his goat into the harem and half the tent has fallen down followng this 'soft lad' act.

None of us understands the rigging. She needs to get back here quick!


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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]Ali thats FREAKY[/quote]

Hope I haven't upset you too much!!!  I just so happy I've discovered how to stick pictures in - & here's another!!  [6]


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As I am typing I am on the phone to Twinks. We are like that Barbara Cartland sketch from little britain.  She has told me to tell you thank you for her messages. 

"Where is Dotty, probably being a naughty girl somewhere.  I have good news, should be back on the forum before the weekend."

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Hi all

Just thought I'd sneak in a quick message.  You must be distraught, No Twinkle, No Dotty, how are you coping without us.[:)] 

Missing you all, having a wonderful time, got loads done, you guys take up so much of my time you wouldn't believe the jobs I've completed this week and its only Wednesday.

Hope Dick is having a good holiday, hope Miki is behaving himself, Hello Girls KKK and Tresco.

See you soon.


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Hi Dotty lovely to hear from you I am still on the phone to Twinks and got all excited when I saw your name next to the thread because Twinks asked especially about you too and your week with your husband.  Hang on she is just saying something in my ear whats that Twinks?

Twinkle says " I am back on Friday night, what about you"

Ok Its kkk again (its like the exorcist)  Shall we all have a get together on Friday night with a nice bottle of something.

Twinkle "red water is on me"

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