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[quote user="Tresco"]

I've got a stack of Diazepam, for my back (Ali)

Hey, have you thought about slipping Mark a few of those fellas?[;-)]


What do mean "thought about it"!!  It's the only way to keep him quiet!!  [Www]

Edit.  ok - how did that just appear again?  Must have hit the wrong button when Barcelona scored!!  [:$]

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!! I seem to have got ALL confused AGAIN.

Dick said "cast irony bath"  I went on to say something like "she should be SATired

in a cast irony bath" cos I think Dick likes talking about things like

that.  Then Dick said Julie choked and I thought he was laughing

at my weak little pun.  Then I made a little reply to Dick AND

Miki and now I am sorry I opened my BIG mouth!

And another thing, it wasnt even me who started all this.


Oh yes it was.

No it wasn't

Oh yes it was

Oh no it wasn't

Oh yes it was

Behind you.............................

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Hello all, see you are having fun, is that allowed?  What's with all the new avitars?  I go away for a few days and come back and don't recognise you.

I'm off to Blighty tomorrow, do you want me to bring anything back for you?


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[quote user="Tresco"]

Katie may be busy reading Asylum Seekers R Us.  Interesting subject.

Is that a Ragged Trousered Philanthropist Avatar you have got there, Miki?


Good on yer Tresco.

Yes it is and it is a kind of  tribute to what you and I and

millions of others have discussed about this quite wonderful book.

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[quote user="Dotty0"]

Hello all, see you are having fun, is that

allowed?  What's with all the new avitars?  I go away for a

few days and come back and don't recognise you.

I'm off to Blighty tomorrow, do you want me to bring anything back for you?



Yes please two pubs from Sunbury and the barmaids to go with 'em thanks, will pick 'em up from Saint Malo, OK?

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!! I seem to have got ALL confused AGAIN.

Dick said "cast irony bath"  I went on to say something like "she should be SATired in a cast irony bath" cos I think Dick likes talking about things like that.  Then Dick said Julie choked and I thought he was laughing at my weak little pun.  Then I made a little reply to Dick AND Miki and now I am sorry I opened my BIG mouth!


And another thing, it wasnt even me who started all this.


See sweetie - it's NOT always about YOU![8-|]

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Thank you everyone who responded to this thread.  Cast iron baths are such heavy things which is why I chose the lighter side for this thread.  This is what you do when you want a giggle or just to chat.  I have been sticking to that suggestion lately,  but some of you seem to be carrying on willy nilly as before[blink] Good to see you're all on form[;-)]
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[quote user="TWINKLE"]Thank you everyone who responded to this thread.  Cast iron baths are such heavy things which is why I chose the lighter side for this thread.  This is what you do when you want a giggle or just to chat.  I have been sticking to that suggestion lately,  but some of you seem to be carrying on willy nilly as before[blink] Good to see you're all on form[;-)][/quote]

I've been sharing my Diazepam about!!  It's really heavy stuff, Man!!  [blink]

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]Thank you everyone who responded to this

thread.  Cast iron baths are such heavy things which is why I

chose the lighter side for this thread.  This is what you do when

you want a giggle or just to chat.  I have been sticking to

that suggestion lately,  but some of you seem to be carrying on

willy nilly as before[blink] Good to see you're all on form[;-)][/quote]

Keep it do with France please Twinkie, thank you...................

(Tip) Say the bath is in French blue, works everytime and no one spots the bath bit ! It says French and that is all people want to see, or so I am informed [;-)]

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Doesn't Bassman have one he doesn't know what to do with?  Otherwise do a search for baignoire en fonte if it so urgent :





Indeed I do but it's not very old fashioned unless you class 80's as old fashioned[:-))] and it could cost a fortune to get it from 29 to 81 , also as said the surface has gone and would need re-enamelling ....

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[quote user="Miki"][quote user="KatieKopyKat"]What day is it man?[/quote]

Quarter past Thursday man ............[blink]


Would that be a French Quater past Thursday, man....man?   Tell me when it's Saturday.  [blink]


What year man, we are a year in front here...................... or is it an hour man [blink]

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