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Complete France Forum

Fluffy Fluffy Land

Just Katie

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Thanks Katie, not sure I'm in the right forum though.  The mood seems a little too sombre for me.  I've been trawling back through the past few days posts to see where Miki has gone.  After driving 500 miles today, my eyes really hurt, so I've given up looking and thought i'd ask.  Dotty

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I am going to bed now any way so bug ger off the two of you.  BTW DOTTY IT WAS ME WHO KEPT THE FLAG FLYING FOR YOU WHILE YOU WAS AWAY.  I MENTIONED AND REMEMBERED YOU LOADS OF TIMES.  More that I can say about Dic (smith) Penderyn flying his red flag and fighting other causes.  (Dic Penderyn - look him up my hero)



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KKK I promise I sent you a PM.  Have you received it yet?  Katie you have the characteristics of my cat, he has got the hump with me as well.  You go away for a week and everybody gets grumpy with you.  I'm back now and I'm not going away again for a long time, so be a good girl and I'm sorry you are a cross Katie.  Is that better now.


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