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Complete France Forum

The Jury is Out -What is the funniest thing happened to you in France..


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I take James point that he does not want the forum to be a chat room or like friends reunited but it has gone a bit dull apart from the great source of information of course,so whilst the jury is out I think we could all do with  a smile.I think I have posted this before some time ago, but the funnies thing that has happened to me is when we signed for our house fifteen years ago, the notaire fell asleep in the middle of it all and his personal assistant had to wake him up, lesson learnt , never sign after a long french lunch,we were all so nervous before we went not knowing what to expect,but we all shook hands at the end, and a bottle was opened.
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I have posted about this before, a long time ago so maybe people have forgotten.

Our house had a mobile bidet in one of the bedrooms. It had been attached to a board with ball bearing sort of feet and the pipes were flexible so you could scoot about on it.

We eventually took it out, but we had a lot of laughs before we did.


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On one of our very first visits to France when the children were small

we stayed in a village house with a rear garden.  The only access

to the garden was through the house.  Unfortunately, when the

front door was left open, the house became a wind tunnel making the

back door (with its large glass pane) swing violently.  After

warning the kids to remember to shut the front door umpteen times the

inevitable happened and the back door banged once too often shattering

the glass.  After lots of huffing and puffing and quite some time

poring over the phrase book, my DOH disappeared off down the road to

introduce himself to le propriétaire and explain the unfortunate demise of said door.

After a very graphic - if not very eloquent - explanation involving lots of huffing and puffing (pour le vent), some loud banging, a crash or too and some heartrending looks (pour dire désolé) the very bemused neighbour announced that 'le propriétaire' actually lived three doors down the road.


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My husband and I decided to take my mother to France.  Being a staunch catholic we took her to Lisieux (sp) St Theresa of the Roses. We followed a sign up a back street to her house.  Mum followed the arrows like Edina from Ab Fab.  Ciggie in hand to a small house in a back street.  She opened the door to the bemusement of a french family watching the news and proceeded to walk around their house (actually she was like Cruella de Ville), talking loudly about their antiques,  until they almost flung her out on the street!  Hubby loved it by the way.

However, the funniest thing was she didnt get it.  She looked at us in disgust and said "Thats the last time I'll go there" 

Class woman my old girl!

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I remember using the toilet in our house for the first time, the paper was on the back of the door, the door was about two metres away. I also wondered about the bidet. Ours was in the bathroom at the other end of the hall and I had this vision of the lady of the house shuffling down the hall with her knickers round her ankles. I was told it was something to do with paying tax that the two were separate and thought well how far would you go to save a few Euro’s, obviously about 5M from the toilet to the bathroom.

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On our first visit to Paris (many moons ago) for a romantic few days, we decided to toddle along to see the Eiffel Tower on the first evening.  We were gazing dewy eyed at the lights of the city all around us when CLONK a flying object hit me in the face.  A Morrocan selling little paper birds on bungy elastic was giving the tourists a free demonstration and he had no control whatsoever !  I don't look good in the mornings and look even less so with a black eye.  Romance? Forget it..............[:'(]
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  • 3 weeks later...
Apologies, that this is about the French bit of Switzerland not France.

Back in the 50s I was sitting, on a sunny Saturday morning, eating an ice cream with my father outside a cafe in Lausanne, when a policeman strolled up. He looked at a car parked, in his Swiss opinion, badly - its front tires were not parallel with the pavement.

He asked around until he found the owner then whipped out a note book and started to charge him. The owner said 'why me? Look the car next to mine, is parked in the same way'.

"Right'! said the policeman 'who owns this car'? Eventually the owner was found having her hair done in a hairdressers. The policeman (to the amusement of all the cafe and what was now quite a crowd) went through his performance again and she (in her curlers) predictably pointed at the car in front of her, 'why me? Look the car next to mine, is parked in the same way'...

I have never been more sorry to finish an ice cream.
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