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The artistic talent, on display here, is truly amazing!! 

WVW - your potato heads are fantastic & as for the washing up bottle - you will always be guarenteed a position on Blue Peter, with that one!!  [Www]

Tresco - your models are .... are ....... are interesting? (she's a beautiful & lovely person - so we can't expect her to be perfect, at everything!!)  [:D]

Cassis, I think the heads you have based your wonderful creations on, are possibly called - Living Stones.  My sister was going to buy Mark & I some for Chistmas - but I threatened her with bodily violence, if she did.  Our surname's .................. Livingstone.  [:-))]

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Hi Ali

Here's the latest - based on my friend and neighbour Richard, very like him except he does not wear a beret.  If he sees this he may not be my friend much longer!



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No, I don't sell them but if you're ever passing by you can have one.  Too bleeping heavy to post!  If I put them in the vegetable garden maybe I could call them my Potes Agées?  Sorry.  Awful French joke.  Off for aperos - see you!


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just been on the poor eddie thread and made my self cry (dont do it) so i have jumped on here to cheer my self up [:(]

cassis please make a cassis sausage you could paint him and give him arms and legs and send him to my house in pradelles and i would take great care of him in my garden and he could wave your flag forever............................[:)]

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This is the english cousin of cassis,s little men, he looks a little old now


ps cassis i worked out how to do it so you can rest now but many thanks[:)] 

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That's not a fair comment Cassis although I appreciate the compliment. I create for a living, whether it be chainsaw sculpture, furniture or timber framing....I get paid for it. If you have genuinely done that work freehand from your own head then your art is no more or less valid than mine. In fact I envy you. My projects have been born and thought about a long time before they are created, OK the totem was 'freehand' but it's not often I have the luxury to work freehand. Rarely does anybody say to me 'just do it'.  I'd encourage anyone to explore their dreams, all of you out there have an idea of what you'd like to create, wheter it be sculpture, painting or working with potatoes and plastic bottles. ALL art is valid. Shaking off one's shackles is alot harder to do than worrying about peoples words and delighting over the rule book who gets deleted or warned tonight.

Do something wild  Cassis.....I give you the theme of 'The Scream', I'd love to see your interpretation of it in your cement medium. No rules, just be!



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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

And he still had his bits at the top and the bottom !

Talking of Picassis, Phil, did you ever see the Maison de Picassiette in Chartres


I haven't seen that before, Christine.  We're no distance from Chartres and we mean to visit if ever we get a spare day (it looks like it'll be end of September) so I'll put that on the itinerary.  Jude got me a couple of books on mosaic for Xmas so maybe it'll give me a nudge to make something - maybe not a whole houseful, though.

If I didn't have my bits at the top and bottom my insides would fall out.  [8-)]

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