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Yes, his legs are corn on the cob holders, his tail and mane are a pair of curtain tassles and his eyes, nose and mouth are pins!! Now you have all my secrets!

As for Darth Vader Potato Head, has nobody else noticed he's an egg???  What an imposter!!

I'll second the idea of having a contest for home made 'anythings'. The winner should receive EVERYTHING that's been entered.

Cassis - you must be a posh bird if you've never shopped at Wilko's! ( hope you are a bird! )

Must go, got to sort out my empty Squeezy bottle and the sticky back plastic for later. Got some friends coming round, we're all going to have a go at something and post the results on here.......come on everyone, go for it!

By the way....this is the second day in a row I've not been bored!! [:D]

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I used to love them as well Pads, but thought it was called Potato Face, maybe our memories are not so good, or maybe there were different kits :


To be be even less bored WVW, you could sell them on the market afterwards along with Mrs. Gupta and her fake cats (you'll have to do a search on here to find her...).





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[quote user="white-van-woman"]


As for Darth Vader Potato Head, has nobody else noticed he's an egg???  What an imposter!!

cassis - you must be a posh bird if you've never shopped at Wilko's! ( hope you are a bird! )


By the way....this is the second day in a row I've not been bored!! [:D]


Excuse me young lady i,ll have you know hes a plastic model of a potato[:P]

yes cassis is a bird a big yellow one have you not heard him sing[;-)]    glad your not bored anymore keep the great threads going [:)]

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[quote user="white-van-woman"]

Cassis - you must be a posh bird if you've never shopped at Wilko's! ( hope you are a bird! )


Not posh, just out of touch.  And no, not a bird.

[quote user="KatieKopieKat"]NO Cassis NO NO NO NO NO!!!!

You can only show us stuff you have MADE.  You bought that in WILKO's.  Stop trying to cheat.


I resent the implication that I am cheating here from KKK.  I got the idea of these from a thing my brother in law had in his garden.  I don't know where he got it.  Maybe he goes to Wilko's.

I photographed it and have copied it with of a ball of cement mix and laid over with some modelling stuff.  I have made other models, all variants on the original.  I have just made another this afternoon with a bowler hat.  Here he is.  He is not weathered yet, so you can see he is new.


He is not a potato.  He is a lump of rocky stuff that resembles a potato.  I hope that does not count as cheating.  I hope KKK can be big enough to apologise.  AND remove her other suggestion of me cheating from another thread.  That is not nice.  Otherwise my rock men will be very upset and may pay her a visit.  Don't mix with the rock men.  Unless you are a cement mixer.

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You're not funny, KKK.  Why do you think you are?

There is no mould.   You shape a lump of mortar into a rough ball.  Let it set.  Then you stick on some stuff called DAS and make your head.  Use cocktail sticks and spoons and knives and stuff to model it.  Use your imagination.  If you have one.  Let the head dry.  Throw it at KKK.

You can't admit to being wrong, can you?

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Ah, wait and see what appears on the stick after we win the Cup.[:D]

I'm making some more heads today as I've been doing a bit of wall rendering (as per usual).  Here is the roughcast stage.  Any ideas what I sould finish them as?  I was thinking maybe a cowboy and an native American (got to be PC, you know) but I think an Indian - I mean, Native American - headress might be beyond me ...


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Well Cassis, I apologise for thinking you were a woman!!  It was the truly exceptional nature of your works that led me to believe they had been created by a higher species.

I mentioned earlier in the thread that I would be making my next creation out of an old washing up liquid bottle and some sticky back plastic and here it is................


Personally Cassis, I too would resent any implication that I was cheating!!!

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Dotty - move those two in the photo closer together and you get something approaching KKK but not half as nice.[:)]

WVW that is a wonderful achievement with the plastic washing up bottle and the sticky back plastic.  Do I see you've used a loo roll as well, for the hat?

How odd that Red Indian is okay but injun is not.  I don't use Photobucket but lots of others here do so should be able to help.

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WVW - just had a look at the full picture.  Wonderful achievement.  And I can see that no loo rolls were harmed in the making of this creation.

I've just opened a Photobucket account and stuck some pictures in it to see what happens.  It kept the original picture size,  which is actually too big for this forum, as it would push the width of the page out and make it so you had to scroll sideways to read the posts.

By clicking 'Edit' above the image in Photobucket you have a number of editing options, but you can only reduce the image size.  I don't know why your image is coming out so small here, other than the fact it appears to be a dwarf.

Here's an image that was originally 1280px width, reduced to half that width by the Photobucket editing tool.


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[quote user="catalpa"]

[quote user="Dotty Trois"] I'm sure Katie would love you to make a cement head based on her.[:-))][/quote]

You mean Cassis should treat KKK as a sort of plinth? [blink][8-)]



No need - there's already a magnificent bust of KKK on display on the forum.  We have made up, you know!

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