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Do you like sprouts yes / no


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No way - they're the spawn of the devil!

No strong view one way or the other then, Kathy.[:D]

Personally, I like them and my wife is positively passionate about them, unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control, I think we will both be eating alone this Christmas as she is in the UK and I'm here, so I doubt very much if I will bother with Christmas dinner, although I may do something special for the animals.



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Oooh yes, my favourite - not.  Since being fed frozen sprouts lightly boiled with the centres still frozen many times by my Mother in my youth, I now cannot stand the sight or smell of them

Have not touched them for 40 years.


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Steady there, not before the Queens speech old boy, terribly bad form....

And then on Boxing Day, watch Kautos Star fly home in the King George Chase at Kempton.....Ruby Walsh's face tells a story every time he dismounts, this horse has all the making of another Dessie...

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I like sprouts.

I have a particularly good recipe for sprout bhaji (I kid you not). Lots of spices, fantastic - and no after effects [:$]

Frozen sprouts must be revoltingly soggy. They have to be fresh and cooked al-dente, then briefly sautéed in duck fat with lardons and chestnuts.

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