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Living France Fun Trivia Quiz - Just for fun


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>The quiz has 'standings' that run in monthly cycles so I'll probably adjust it at the end of May, I'll have a look and see what other topics there are.

The topics may be a bity 'celtic loaded' but is only a bit of fun isn't it ? Nobody is applying to mensa on the basis of it are they ?

Don't feel iuncumbent to keep changing it to suit everybody, though slightly changing theme each month might prolong its lifestyle. I can still spell Quetzalcoatl so can we have a month on the Aztecs please ?



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[quote user="Owens88"] I can still spell Quetzalcoatl so can we have a month on the Aztecs please ?John [/quote]

I think I'm right in saying I got my request about The Clangers in, before John and his Aztecs? [:)]

On the whole, it drives me crazy, but it is just a bit of fun. I'm amazed at some peoples consistently high scores, and enjoy spending time thinking how the hell they are pulling it off.

People with that level of memory capacity scare me.

That means you, Will![:)]


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[quote user="Opas"]Will, you must have a very responsive mouse and quick reflexes to do the quiz in that time and 10/10 too , well done clever clogs![/quote]

Funny you should say that Mrs O, I just got a wireless mouse to use with the laptop and it really is great...

Seriously, those questions just happened to be ones that I either knew the answers to or could work out quickly, plus one very lucky guess. It will be back to the normal scores today I think.

I'd love too to see questions on the Clangers (or any of the other Smallfilms), 1960s music, Ireland (anything except Wales and Scotland).

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Who or what are the Clangers? hope you don't include them. Probably

from the late 80s-90s when we didn't have a TV. Also please

don't put in questions about modern pop music. But I'm really enjoying

the quizzes - very good idea Gay. It brings out my competitive streak

which I thought had gone for ever. The speed of the mouse does make a

difference. The day I got my best score the page kept jamming up and

the slow speed reduced it. Pat.

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Clangers......they were like little sock puppets with big noses, grey/brown in colour and made conversation by a funny whistleing sound, sure someone on here will find a suitable link to them. Very entertaining from what I can remember[Www]
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Forget 'The Clangers'. The works of Gerry Anderson would be a more general topic (though I have a blind spot through living in Ireland through the Captain Scarlet years).

More advanced would obviously be the various Star Trek series - possibly too advanced for here ! (smile).  Niche questions on Blakes Seven could attract joker points (hands up anybody who remembers where joker points come from !!!).

Or forget Celtic obsession and concentrate on Yorkshire. What does S.U.N.W.A.C. mean to you ?


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Just in case anyone thinks I was cheating - the first time I did the

quiz as suandpete the questions changed part way through (it was 7am)

and a message told me to go back and do it again - and then added both

my times together!  So I did it again (with different questions)

as peteandsu!

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No chance for 10 today, just  two French questions, 3 Scottish river and loch questions and one that insists that there is a Sscottish actor (Denis lawson) in Holby City, he played Tom Campbell-Gore who actually  who left the series at least a year ago, lucky that one question  on the Civil War has now come up three times.[:D]
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[quote user="jayjay"]

Oh, thankyou Twinkle [:D]

Sweet dreams tonight then! In the golden days of CB radios, my boyfriend was called Soup Dragon[:$] Although, he didn't drop this Clanger!!![;-)]


I was Golden Rain[:-))]  I know I know!!  I was only 14 - how was I to know at the time!

Going to do the quiz now and hope there's a question on fetiches[:$]

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