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Christmas, I'm bored already..........................


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Daughter number one in the UK and starts a new job in Nice on the 27th so can't get here, Daughter number two, is stuck in Barcelona, boat problems. Wife is cooking everything that isn't moving, television is cr*p, it's too cold and icy to get the bike out and my biker 'mate' is in Arizona.

suggestions welcome.................................................

Roll on New Year................................[:(]

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You're having a quiet one too then Gary, although it sound's like you'll eat well.[:D] TV is crap all over Christmas, well apart from Strictly Come Dancing![:$][;-)] It's a bit quiet here too, so doing a lot of singing & started on the odd glass of Christmas spirit. Well, I find it makes the singing better, or is it just that it deadens my hearing! Well cheers me old fruit, hope you still enjoy your Christmas.

BTW, doing the veg will give you something to do, well for 10 minutes anyway![;-)]

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Well, thanks to the donkeys,  I have something to do today. How do they manage to remove the staples from the wire and posts around the field ? When I hammer new ones in they take quite a lot of effort, but the 'girls' seem to be able to remove them with ease.

Should keep me busy for a while.............................. Donkey  Donkey 


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[quote user="Gary aka Bugbear"]

Well, thanks to the donkeys,  I have something to do today. How do they manage to remove the staples from the wire and posts around the field ? When I hammer new ones in they take quite a lot of effort, but the 'girls' seem to be able to remove them with ease.


Probably pushing their bums against the wire.  Try wrapping the wire round the posts as well as stapling it.

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[quote user="Gary aka Bugbear"]

Well, thanks to the donkeys,  I have something to do today. How do they manage to remove the staples from the wire and posts around the field ? When I hammer new ones in they take quite a lot of effort, but the 'girls' seem to be able to remove them with ease.

Should keep me busy for a while..............................    


[/quote]When I lived in Blighty and communted to London 5 days a week, the ponies always manged to break the fencing some time on Monday so Mr & Mrs Cooperlola were kept up until midnight repairing fences by torchlight! -  I'm certain they knew which day it was.
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A man bought a donkey from a priest. The priest

told the man that the only way to make the donkey go, being a religious donkey, was to say "Hallelujah!"  The only way to make the donkey stop was to say "Amen!"

The man got on the animal to try out the
priest's instructions.

"Hallelujah!" shouted the man. The donkey began to trot. "Amen!" shouted the man. The donkey stopped immediately.

"This is great!" said the man. With a "Hallelujah" he rode off.

The man traveled for hours through the mountains.  As he approached the edge of a cliff, he tried to remember the word to make the donkey stop.

"Jesus!" said the man. "Allah!" he cried. The donkey just kept going.

"Bible!...Church!...Temple! ... Please! ...Stop!" shouted the man. The donkey was getting closer and closer to the edge of

the cliff.

Finally, in desperation, the man said a prayer..."Please, dear Lord.

Please make this donkey stop before I go off the cliff.

In Jesus name, AMEN."

The donkey came to a stop one step from the edge of the cliff.

"HALLELUJAH!" shouted the man.
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