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A nice little quote that will ring true with many....................


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[quote user="Renaud"]I like De Gaulle's remark to the effect that it was impossible to rule a country that had 365 different variety of cheeses.[/quote]

My favourite of all time

President George W. Bush proclaimed, "The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur."

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[quote user="Hoddy"]Woman describing her affair with Lord Soames - "It was like having a wardrobe fall on you with the key still in the door." Hoddy[/quote]



"Too bad that all the people who really know how to run the country are busy driving taxi cabs and cutting hair."

George Burns

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Sorry Tresco,

      the quote was for the second part of the heading "that will ring true with many" as I had just been perusing the thread where folk were saying that they took no interest in politics etc in the country that they live in at the moment, if you did not know from who the quote came would it make a difference? Anyway I am not here for an argument, it was just a harmless post in a thread, but then I will bow to you as you are a senior poster here. My apologies.

best regards


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[quote user="Cassis"]Don't take it to heart, Zak - "How fortunate for leaders

that men do not think" -
it certainly has an element of truth, regardless of the author.  [:)]


Thanks Cassis, I am not taking it to heart as I can see the point that Tresco was making.[:)]

best regards


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[quote user="Zak Dingle"][quote user="Cassis"]Don't take it to heart, Zak - "How fortunate for leaders that men do not think" - it certainly has an element of truth, regardless of the author.  [:)]
Thanks Cassis, I am not taking it to heart as I can see the point that Tresco was making.[:)]

I disagree Cassis. I think even as a straight 'management' dictum it's way off the mark. LOL you always seem like such a positive little soss, too.

No need to 'bow', Zak. Our comparative posting numbers don't give me any more status than you here!

By the way, you look just like Bugbear. Are you related?[:D] 


And to get back on course: "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."

Mark Twain


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I'm perfectly entitled to express my opinion on any post Bugbear.

You do look alike. Why am I on 'thin ice' to point that out?  Why make something heavy out of it?

I'm not one of those people who slings 'broad grin' smileys in to disguise negative intentions.

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