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Bare Poo Stories...


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When we took possession of the keys to our old French house and had the opportunity to look round it by ourselves after the previous owner had moved out, we were shocked to find somebody had stolen the cistern from the loo. Or so we thought...

Much worse than that - it had never had one! The whole 'going to the loo' process involved a flap, a handle and a bucket of water. No problem for my dear wife, she has a stronger constitution than me. In fact, it was no problem for me when it came to a standing up job - but when it was a big job, I became a big wimp! Do what you have to do, push the lever down on the side of the pan, the flap opens up and the wotsit slides off down the pipe to the fosse etanche. Well, that was the theory. Each time I allowed the spring to bring the handle up, the flap returned to its original position with the pile of wotsit still sitting there mocking me! Enter the bucket of water and liberal amounts of bleach.

'No thank you' said I after two or three failed sessions. From then until the day the super new loo was fitted, each call of nature for me, involved a fast drive to my friend's gite or the auberge!

Anyone else got any French loo stories?


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[quote user="Mel "]

 Well, that was the theory. Each time I allowed the spring to bring the handle up, the flap returned to its original position with the pile of wotsit still sitting there mocking me! [/quote]

I'm not surprised it mocked you. What a Jessie! (That's you, not the poo). [:-))]

Hoddy has a great bidet story; one which is surely due for an airing.

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Really hard up for subject matter on the forum lately aren't we.  Mel, if you had consumed more olive oil, it might have slipped off the flap a little easier !

Talking of coming out for an airing, this may compete well with Hoddy's bidet




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[quote user="Christine Animal"]Talking of coming out for an airing, this may compete well with Hoddy's bidet[/quote]

There were wheels involved Christine. Was that just you being inspired, or do you remember Hoddys' bidet tale?

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Ok - with apologies to those who've heard it before.

When we bought our house in France there was a washbasin and bidet in the corner of one of the upstairs bedrooms. We didn't pay particularly close attention because we always planned to build a bathroom on the wasted space on the landing. It was only after we got the keys that we realised that the bidet was mobile. It had been screwed on to a nicely fitting board which has castors underneath it. The pipes were the flexible kind that you have for a shower hose and so it was possible to sit on it and scoot about the bedroom. We had a lot of laughs with it before we removed it.

Maybe we could start another thread entitled something like 'Photographs I Wish I'd Taken' because I really regret now that I have no record of it.


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[quote user="Hoddy"]

 It was only after we got the keys that we realised that the bidet was mobile. It had been screwed on to a nicely fitting board which has castors underneath it. The pipes were the flexible kind that you have for a shower hose and so it was possible to sit on it and scoot about the bedroom. We had a lot of laughs with it before we removed it.[/quote]

This always makes me laugh.

PS Hoddy, it would have to have been a video really[:D]


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[quote user="Hoddy"]

It had been screwed on to a nicely fitting board which has castors underneath it. The pipes were the flexible kind that you have for a shower hose and so it was possible to sit on it and scoot about the bedroom. [/quote]

There is a whole wealth of jokes that spring to mind from that Hoddy!

What a hoot it would have been if you had positioned it in a guest room - having fitted it with a remote control.......

Oh, and I do have a piccie somewhere of our old loo - don't worry, if I find it, it is poo bare!

Mel   British

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