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Summers on its way.


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Well Bugbear, I'm glad I'm not the only one................  As soon as I see +lmin on the meteo, it can be -5° outside but SUMMER IS ON IT'S WAY.  And while I'm here, A Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!!!! Jen.

Right, back to those mince pies.........

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It's always a huge relief and a boost to me when the magic day passes.  For the last week or so the evenings have been getting noticably lighter.  The sun's out and for the first time for a week the frost has gone from the lawn and the ice from the water troughs during the daytime. [:)]
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I thought it was today too.  I checked on a website some weeks ago and noted it on the calender (like some of the other posters I also anticipate this day).  Some years it is the 21st but this year it is definitley the 22nd.


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Yesterday was a glorious day.  In the shade it was 14 degrees in the afternoon with not a breath of wind.  Out of interest I put a thermometre in the sun but not directly touching anything that would conduct heat and it got up to 30 degrees [:-))] [:D] 

Got to get through january and february yet though with the possibilty of snow and lots of wet weather - the river here always breaks its banks in february despite being very low just now.

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