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OK Who abandoned...........

Geordie girl

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[quote user="Marton"]

[quote user="Geordie girl"]Ok marton, gNIGEL it is then, thank you, i`m off to uk in january and he`ll probably want to come with me................will he need his own passport or can i add him to mine as an accessory?[/quote]

Steer clear of the passport route otherwise he'll take off and Gawd knows where he'll end up!     When you get to passport control just say he's claiming asylum but won't be a drain on social funds as you'll look after him.   Gnigel the Gnome off to Gweat Bwitain, bet he bumps into our Bwian in Bwidlington!


Bwian from Bwidlington sent an e.mail from Bwighton to say he's happy to make acquaintance with Gnigel and join him on holiday, Bwian said you will enjoy the twip too GG.

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[quote user="Geordie girl"]Whats bwian from bwidlington doing in bwighton is he there for xmas, last year he went to bwistol with his bwother, and for new year hes going to bwidgetown  [:D][:D][:D][/quote]

How did our Bwian know how to contact you GG?  He never told me he was off to Bwidgetown for New Year!  These gnomes are cleverer than you think arn't they.   He just mentioned Valentine's Day to me said he was going to Bwadford to meet Bwad (not Pitt), Bwad Bwoderwick.

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[quote user="Marton"]

[quote user="Geordie girl"]Whats bwian from bwidlington doing in bwighton is he there for xmas, last year he went to bwistol with his bwother, and for new year hes going to bwidgetown  [:D][:D][:D][/quote]

How did our Bwian know how to contact you GG?  He never told me he was off to Bwidgetown for New Year!  These gnomes are cleverer than you think arn't they.   He just mentioned Valentine's Day to me said he was going to Bwadford to meet Bwad (not Pitt), Bwad Bwoderwick.


I've clicked![I]  He's had telepathic thoughts.....he's zoomed in on GG......he knew there was a new one on the planet......Gnigel Gnome, so he's your friend as well now.

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[quote user="Geordie girl"]gnigel doesnt want to meet up with bwian , he already knows him. Last time they went out, bwian took gnigel to bwacknell and bwidge-end and they got into trouble when they met some bwummies and got 2 years in bwoardmoor[/quote]

Oh heck! Bwian kept that quiet. Bwitney his sister told me that he was taking a long vacation in Bwazil to engineer getting Wonnie Biggs back to Bwitain.     Fancy! Bwoardmoor all that time!!      Keep Gnigel away from Bwian now the truth is out he'll be an outcast.    Would'nt surprise me if he has to set off on his travels because he won't be wanted back in Bwidlington after he's been to Bwighton.   Silly Bwian, he never had a bwain.

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[quote user="Geordie girl"]gnigel doesnt want to meet up with bwian , he already knows him. Last time they went out, bwian took gnigel to bwacknell and bwidge-end and they got into trouble when they met some bwummies and got 2 years in bwoardmoor[/quote]

Bwian has emailed again.     He always wanted to know what D.N.A. meant (he believed it would prove he was a thoroughbred gnome), he said to find it was the National Dyslexic Association is'nt helping his speech.       He said he's decided to go off on his travels after Bwighton, he's not going back to Bwidlington, he said he might try Bwittany or Bwuge.[blink]

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[quote user="Geordie girl"]No nigellas...........[:D][:D][:D][/quote]

What good taste Gnigel has!    For breakfast Bwian always had bwead toasted with peanut butter and bwown sauce (said its what all good bikers liked for bweakfast).    Sometimes he had Bwanston on as well.

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[quote user="Geordie girl"]Did he have Bwussel spwouts with his turkey?    [:-))][/quote]

Well of course, that goes without saying....plus bwead sauce as well.

450 viewings GG - the telly must be bad!

I wonder if Bwian meets up with the Hairy Bikers on their travels?

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[quote user="Geordie girl"]He`s fine marton, thanks for asking. He has settled in well and likes to sit next to the fire, but he refuses to remove that stupid hat of his, even indoors. Maybe he`s feeling the cold cos it`s freezing here     [:D][/quote]

Oh hello!    That was quick!        See!  A case of telepathy of the GG's again!!       Well your Gnigel is'nt silly, in front of the fire is the best place!     Bwian rang, he said "Fweezin on bike, can't wait to get to Bwittany"   (at least he's made his mind up where he's heading to).    Glad he did'nt decide on Bwuge.       

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[quote user="Geordie girl"]I thought bwian was heading back to bwitain to head the bwigade on the march against the abolishment of bwighton wock   [6][/quote]

Blumin eck!  Bet Bwian's forgot!   Ecky thump!   Hang on I'll text him................................................

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[quote user="Marton"]

[quote user="Geordie girl"]I thought bwian was heading back to bwitain to head the bwigade on the march against the abolishment of bwighton wock   [6][/quote]

Blumin eck!  Bet Bwian's forgot!   Ecky thump!   Hang on I'll text him................................................


He said the bwigade will have to bwoaden their horizons and manage without him.   He also said he'd done his stint in Blackpool to keep their wock going.      Bwian ended with his new year resolution..............its to wock wock wock in Bwittany.

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[quote user="Mr Tivoli Blue"]WARNING!

Gnigel is a scnammer.

He will stay in your home be polite, quite and gain your confidence. Your will begin to treat him like he is one of your children.You will then adopt him.

THEN....... one day he will poison the whole family and inherit all of your possessions. [:-))]

Hey bluey my gnigel is not a scnammer he`s a true geordie, as you can see from his strip and so he MUST be a good un`. He`s very helpful around the house and everything, i`ve taught him to use the washing machine and dishwasher although he struggles to reach the sink [:D]


btw bwian in bwittany keeps winging and texting gnigel to bwing him back some bwandy and cigawwettes fwom the fewwy

The cheek of it [blink]

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