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Charlotte was a fairly senior news group SM (studio manager) when I joined as an SM.    I had the honour of once doing the six o'clock R4 news with her as my "senior".    Very kind and professional she was to me as a relative newbie.

We were all delighted when she got a permanent job in R4 pres,  must be 24 years ago now!!

For sheer voice-joy I'd choose Corrie Corfield (who joined as an SM a couple of courses after me),  with Harriet Kass and Charlotte close runners up.

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As an SM I was never "behind" the mic (we were the bods the other side of the glass doing the technical bits) - that's what Charlotte did before she became an announcer.    But there does seem to be something about a microphone that acts in a similar way to N2O.

It's all a long time ago,  but John is a very competent organist,  and certainly back in the 80's the pres teams were an extraordinarily nice bunch of people.    John was (I seem to remember) a R4 newsreader for many years before he went to R2.

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