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[quote user="cooperlola"]Touché, Katie.   We haven't progressed much over the centuries have we?[/quote]

Cheers Coops! But why do you think that is? 

Also, can anyone enlighten me as to what middle class is and, what one would have to do, (or be) to call themselve this? 



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Seriously though, it is so crass and shallow to be judged purely on wealth, clothes and schooling rather than the heart and mind.  [/quote]

I quite agree, Katie. However that's the way it be!

Personally, I value people on their inner self, intellect, integrity, sense of humour, unselfishness etc. and of course some common interests.

Unfortunately, since the late 60s, New Wealth from mainly rip off activities have created a whole breed of Noveau Riches desperate to be seen as Upper Middle Class. Let's face it, Hilda Margaret was a prize example! From Grocer's Daughter to aristocrat wannabe. And now that dreadful little jerk Mark "Anyone Want a Cheap Revolution?" Thatcher is a bloody Baronet!

Nothing new here: precisely the same thing happened with the new money in Mid-Victorian Britain, when the "Manufacturers" and merchants were making cash hand over fist whilst the aristos based in agronomy - who had lost most of their fortunes in Regency times by Huntin', Shootin', Fishin', Gamin' and Wenchin' -  were scrambling to marry off their sons to wealthy mill owner's daughters, etc.


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[quote user="Gluestick"][quote]

Seriously though, it is so crass and shallow to be judged purely on wealth, clothes and schooling rather than the heart and mind.  [/quote]

I quite agree, Katie. However that's the way it be!



I know that's the way it be Gluey, but as long as you agree with me that these 'twonks' are shallow, then I am happy. [:)][kiss]


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Most of them are shallow, Katie, yes I do agree.

Not all though: I have one chum who was head boy at Eaton; Daddy was a stockbroker. My chum read law at Edinburgh and then went into the Navy and being of Scots descent, also served as Deputy Naval Equerry to HM at Holyrood House.

Became bored and bought himself out of his commission. Joined a City merchant bank and then took his family back to Edinburgh and set up what is now a very successful boutique financial operation. Speaks just like Prince Charles and even has sticky out ears!

Lovely guy and very bright. His lady wife is also great fun: used to be an antiques appraiser at Southebys: her language would turn the average navey pink!

She speaks just like the Princess Royal.

You do realise JK, that at the moment, it's only thee and me that's keeping this forum alive!


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[quote user="Just Katie"]

[quote user="cooperlola"]Touché, Katie.   We haven't progressed much over the centuries have we?[/quote]

Cheers Coops! But why do you think that is? 

Also, can anyone enlighten me as to what middle class is and, what one would have to do, (or be) to call themselve this? 



[/quote]I put myself firmly in this category, Katie and this is why :  My mother's family can be traced back to the 11th century and I'm related to all kinds of people on that side, including the Dukes of Marlborough, Civil War generals a-plenty, you name it.  My father's father worked in a colliery in Northumberland.  A cross between Upper and Lower = Middle to my way of thinking![:D]
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[quote user="Gluestick"]Personally, I value people on their inner self, intellect, integrity, sense of humour, unselfishness etc. and of course some common interests.[/quote]Me too but failing those qualities a pretty face and big t*ts will do [6]


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[quote user="ErnieY"]

[quote user="Gluestick"]Personally, I value people on their inner self, intellect, integrity, sense of humour, unselfishness etc. and of course some common interests.[/quote]Me too but failing those qualities a pretty face and big t*ts will do [6]


[/quote]Aw come along, be honest.  Surely big t*ts and a pulse are sufficient for the average guy?[Www]

(Although no doubt money is a bonus.)

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OK, Those I call 'Twonks' are shallow idiots who judge people. And, don't forget Gluey that you have agreed with me on that. 

However, we are all aware that these 'Twonks' sit in all pens and can be found in all walks of life.

In fact;  I wouldn't mind placing a bet for example, that Mr Diamond studded Rolex watch would rather catch his do dah in his zip than be seen down the pub with your very nice mate with the sicky out ears.  Although he does sound rather nice to me.


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[quote user="ErnieY"]

[quote user="Gluestick"]Personally, I value people on their inner self, intellect, integrity, sense of humour, unselfishness etc. and of course some common interests.[/quote]Me too but failing those qualities a pretty face and big t*ts will do [6]




Wasn't you in the wedding photo was it, Little Ern?


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[quote user="Gluestick"]

But, But....But, only last week you were telling us all about the servants and the easy life, Steve?


[/quote]Now that's an interesting criterion for placing you in a certain social class. Do you have servants? When our family were at home they had to help with all the household chores, and I have always hated the idea of having a stranger in my house to clean. Even when I was working full time. Although I did have Cath to do the ironing for a while

But now I've just realised, 3 of them have managed to get into a situation where they have domestic help (one in India, one in Kuwait, one shares communal accommodation) The 4th just doesn't do any cooking or cleaning. 

They are all sort of classless, mix with all sorts and have their own standards. And seemingly all hate housework.

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I do believe it is called "Outsourcing" now, as against employing servants, Patf.

Servants implies servile and skivvies probably. All none PC.

Nothing wrong in my book in having someone else do the chores one hates if affordable.

Now if only I  could sub-contract out all the work and then I could focus on wine tasting, e.g.!


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