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I heard on the radio today that every new born baby in the UK has a debt of £17000.  Now I don't know about you but the first thoughts that I had were, what are the parents thinking about?  I didn't get into debt until I bought my Italian style suit off my auntie's weekly club when I was 16 years old.  Best thing they can do is to let those children go bankrupt.
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[quote user="giantpanda"]Hi!

To: Best thing they can do is to let those children go bankrupt.

How sensible - that hardly solves the problem -  then you increase the debt of the others.



Do identical twins have twice the debt, or do they share it? 

I hear that there is going to be around £150 billion slush fund to help the banks, where does that come from?  Colombian drug dealers is my bet, that's a lot of money laundering with no questions asked.

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They are all at it Ben.  I had an email from George in Nigeria (apparently he is high up in a bank over there) he asked me for some financial help but I put him onto Darling, the next day Gordon announced the extra for the banks.  Now I am not saying that the two things are connected but it makes you think doesn't it?
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