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Did you have a novel way of resigning

just john

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A company director I once worked with, asked a colleague to make himself available all weekend to assist him in an important presentation preparation,
to which the colleague replied, something like, hell would freeze over before he worked all weekend,
the director replied, 'hmm, what a novel way to resign' [:)]

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In a new job and after a month or so, the boss said he'd noticed I did not show up before the start time.

He said he liked people in 10mn early so they could settle down before the phones started to ring.

I said I'd be happy to oblige if he would let me go 10mn early so I could miss the heavy traffic rush out of town... [Www]

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Hi, new member here!

Despite numerous requests, I couldn't get my employer to visit the shop Branch I was managing - so I eventually had to resign by FAX!! On my leaving, he gave me a card, the front of which showed two women gossiping. The text read " You told them to do WHAT with their job?" I think he had finally gotten the message! 

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