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Re: "Sods Law "


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Nor do I steal.

And I am in PAYE meaning every pound I earn I pay 45p in the pound. If I were self employed it would be more like 5p. I make a contribution which I make without complaint, but I have a clear concience having paid taxes for 29 years.

Have you?

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[quote user="baypond"]Nor do I steal.

And I am in PAYE meaning every pound I earn I pay 45p in the pound. If I were self employed it would be more like 5p. I make a contribution which I make without complaint, but I have a clear concience having paid taxes for 29 years.

Have you?

Please explain your outrageous claim that the self employed only pay 5p in the pound tax,  it is as ridiculous as your idea that trading in money is useful to the majority.

Paying tax is not to clear the concience, if it were it would be very cheap.

I was self employed for 30 years and created employment for many people over that period. I paid more than 45p tax in the pound plus VAT and other taxes. I also trained people and supported charities. I manufactured and didn't just watch a computer screen.

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[quote user="baypond"]Nor do I steal.

And I am in PAYE meaning every pound I earn I pay 45p in the pound. If I were self employed it would be more like 5p. I make a contribution which I make without complaint, but I have a clear concience having paid taxes for 29 years.

Have you?

I am sorry Baypond,  as a PAYE employee you do not pay 45% on every pound. This will probably be a first, but I must agree with Mr Dog.I have been freelance/self employed for over 40 years and have been lucky enough to pay more tax than I thought possible, lucky in the fact that I always worked. I never paid 5% tax, please god I did, as instead of a cottage in middle France I would now have a Villa in the south.  By the way I have paid income tax for 53 years and still do, when I finished paying National Insurance I realised that to qualify for benefit you  needed  44 years contributions, by then I had paid for 50 years when I asked for a rebate I got told to shall we say,"take a running jump" Indeed I like you I have a clear conscience. Oh and by the way Dog, this rare agreement doesn't mean you and I are mates! [:P]

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[quote user="NickP"] By the way Coops I'm going to the Family Village  near  Le Mans tomorrow for a  jazz evening, are there any burger bars there?  [:D]  [:D][/quote]Plenty of meat in this neck of the woods, Nick (or you wouldn't find me here!), as I've no doubt you found out.  Hope you had a good evening.

I'm being liberated for the weekend.  First port of call on exit?  Kentucky Fried Chicken[:P].  Second port of call?  A nice chilled botttle of Saumur Brut (which I assume even Dog cannot find fault with.)  Yum.

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[quote user="Mareille"]It always seems strange to me that the wierdy beardy veggie brigade whinge on about how environmentally unfriendly livestock farming is but think it unacceptable to kill the animals involved, talk about want your cake and eat it!


Perhaps what the weirdy beardy veggie taliban evangelical Amish/Mormon followers of Jack Jones and Slack want is for the vile vampire vacuous stalinist satanist flesh eaters to eat the fields empty and NOT restock, rebreed, just retire from producing sentient creatures to kill for a meal.. To paraphrase have your cake eat it and that's it - finito, fin, finish, ended, nil by mouth - that's what they probably want.


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[quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="Mareille"]It always seems strange to me that the wierdy beardy veggie brigade whinge on about how environmentally unfriendly livestock farming is but think it unacceptable to kill the animals involved, talk about want your cake and eat it!


 vampire vacuous stalinist satanist flesh eaters to eat the fields empty


Its true Fangs aint what they used to be [:)]

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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="NickP"] By the way Coops I'm going to the Family Village  near  Le Mans tomorrow for a  jazz evening, are there any burger bars there?  [:D]  [:D][/quote]Plenty of meat in this neck of the woods, Nick (or you wouldn't find me here!), as I've no doubt you found out.  Hope you had a good evening.

I'm being liberated for the weekend.  First port of call on exit?  Kentucky Fried Chicken[:P].  Second port of call?  A nice chilled botttle of Saumur Brut (which I assume even Dog cannot find fault with.)  Yum.

Coops, you've often told us that your reason for moving to live near le Mans is for the motor racing.  I'm beginning to wonder, since this thread, whether the REAL reason isn't Rilletes du Mans?[;-)]

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="NickP"] By the way Coops I'm going to the Family Village  near  Le Mans tomorrow for a  jazz evening, are there any burger bars there?  [:D]  [:D][/quote]Plenty of meat in this neck of the woods, Nick (or you wouldn't find me here!), as I've no doubt you found out.  Hope you had a good evening.

I'm being liberated for the weekend.  First port of call on exit?  Kentucky Fried Chicken[:P].  Second port of call?  A nice chilled botttle of Saumur Brut (which I assume even Dog cannot find fault with.)  Yum.

Coops, you've often told us that your reason for moving to live near le Mans is for the motor racing.  I'm beginning to wonder, since this thread, whether the REAL reason isn't Rilletes du Mans?[;-)]


Is that some kind of porc that takes 24 heures to chew [:)]

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Dog, my answer was in relation to the fact that you imply that I steal. The implication of what I was saying about PAYE vs Self employed is that within PAYE you can not offset any contribution against expenses, depreciation etc etc. What I was implying was that Self Employed tend to pay a much lower marginal rate of tax than PAYE because of all the offsets.

You were suggesting I make no contribution to anything. That I steal and skim, and that I add no value to society. You don't know me, and you are wrong. Please don't start parading about your charitable contributions and works, it is a bit of a cheap shot really. Again you imply that I do not, because I am a meat eating banker which you think disqualifies me from being a contributor to society. I think that if you are really a retired bishop of scientology, as your avatar says, then there are more questions about you than there are about me.

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Nick P.

Appologies to you in full. The attack on me by dog implied I steal and that I make no contribution to society. The answer was to him, not to self employed in general.

My point about tax was in relation to my contribution to society. This year I am lucky enough that I will be paying more than 52% TAX & NI not 45% Self employed tend to be able to offset much of their tax on things like depreciation, office costs etc. I have no problem with that, after all I could be self employed if I wanted to and use the same system. The 5% was extreme, and it was probably a higher number, but relates to the marginal rate of tax that I know two of my friends (roofer and plasterer) paid last year. There is also a black economy that still washes cash around with out any tax applied.

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[quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="baypond"][quote user="Dog"]I don't hate you - I am amazed you can rob at will and abuse the system. I  think the only agenda you are interested in is your own - you would eat well and drink well at my table - probably better than you ever have.[/quote]

Without knowing anything about me other than the fact that I am a meat eating banker, I think your statement that "only agenda you are interested in is your own" undermines any coherent argument you make about anything in these threads. Quite an ignorant assumption, as is
the satement "I am amazed you can rob at will and abuse the system" is based on what exactly?
Your attacks seem very personal which again is a shame.
You would eat well at my table because I am the mug that would go out of my way to cook vegetarian faire for you, with non meat infected plates forks chopping boards and cooking pans if neccessary. I dare say if I asked for meat in your home, I wouldn't get within a mile.

Baypond you have previously refused to accept that you skim markets and thus causing inflation. Bankers add very little to the economy meanwhile thinking you are like a greengrocer which is nonsense.

My words are not a personal attack they are the same for all others involved in robbery on a large scale.

People are not 100% bad you do what you feel is necessary for your pocket.

You are obviously itelligent and it's a shame it's misused in banking.

You certainly unfortunately would be within a kilometre of meat in my house you could eat with the hunting dogs down the lane.

You are welcome to come to eat - I will invite a mathematician friend who was in banking but left when he realised how it was just a great gambling  and skimming game without foundation in commerce.


If your words are not to be taken as a personal attack perhaps you could try using a different tense or phrasing things differently when you write instead the accusatory 'You' !

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[quote user="baypond"]Dog, my answer was in relation to the fact that you imply that I steal. The implication of what I was saying about PAYE vs Self employed is that within PAYE you can not offset any contribution against expenses, depreciation etc etc. What I was implying was that Self Employed tend to pay a much lower marginal rate of tax than PAYE because of all the offsets.
You were suggesting I make no contribution to anything. That I steal and skim, and that I add no value to society. You don't know me, and you are wrong. Please don't start parading about your charitable contributions and works, it is a bit of a cheap shot really. Again you imply that I do not, because I am a meat eating banker which you think disqualifies me from being a contributor to society. I think that if you are really a retired bishop of scientology, as your avatar says, then there are more questions about you than there are about me.

Again an inadequate knowledge of tax. PAYE employees can claim expenses against certain items. There are agreed allowances for different trades and professionals. (There certainly were before I retired six years ago). I would suggest you check them out you may save some money.

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