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Re: Been here since 2006


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Your just asking for him to bite your bum again arnt you...I shall set him on you !!!

Boo says she is looking forward to coffee and people watching on place carnot soon.... Tigger says he is keeping away from the fridge when you come visiting.... now show the pic of the last cat we had !![;-)] before you squashed him!! 

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Tigger says he wont be diving in to the fridge for prawns while your around .... but he may chuck the odd dog biscuit in to see if you can catch that spotty dog.

Im having a rest day today ...no packing no cleaning just coffee, peanut butter kitkat and a good book.

This time next week I will be nearly there .......[:-))]

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Taking all the things that are sent to try me in my stride and still so excited .....[:-))]

4 days and counting ......

Jasper is waiting for me to pick him up I can feel his little furry vibes from here [:)]


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Its been a bitter sweet day today ....I started of with some gardening , taking lots of care of the area where my pets graves are and making it nice , while saying my silent good byes to them , Tigger sat to one side of the bed quietly watching me ...Past and present , sad and joyful.....

Then a friend arrived to say bye and bring me a Birthday present for tomorrow, her card said such loverly things , I shall miss her wisdom and upbeat nature ....

More friends arrived a few glasses raised in farewells more fun than sadness , lots of laughs .

Now I have a new and exciting time to look forward to , moving on as a slightly better person because of the friends and pets I have know and loved .

Its not good bye its Au revoir.....  

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It's definately not goodbye for us P, it's a very big hello more often we hope! 

The one reason that I have never kept the shell of what were our loved pets is that we move on. My parents started a tradition on Salisbury Plain up near a place called Silk Hill near Amesbury. My old man buried one of his dogs alongside the old coach road that runs across there. It was a favoulite walk for him. Others decided to bury their dogs up alongside the first grave. There are 3 of his dogs buried there now. Now it is an area called 'Dog Grave Track' and is marked on the Army maps as a 'Red' area and is totally out of bounds to motorised vehicles of any kind. I have been up there many times, it is a lovely place, and I have seen Army guys on exercise wandering up and down the line of pet graves, hat in hand, reading the 'head stones'.

Shut up John! We look forward to seeing you P. We hope your trip over is good. Take care[kiss][kiss]

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Thanks chris , Im just going to enjoy my birthday today with Boo and hubby on the beach as its a sunny day here today for a change. As it will be mad day tomorrow .

I always said I wanted to be in France by time I was 50 ....Missed that by one day [blink] still 51 and one day is good for me .

Photos of my new boy will be posted as soon as I can, no internet at the mo but I will get that JJ to post  some for me . 

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                                                                                            [kiss]   [kiss]   [kiss]


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Been reading your countdown.

Hope your move goes without a hitch and you enjoy your new life in France. I remember the same feeling back in 2005, when we set out on what we hoped would be the next part on our life journey, unfortunately we had to return to UK, but fortunate to be able to keep our french haven in the hope that when the time is right for us we can return.

Wishing you best wishes for the future
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We MAY just have 3 weeks grace Norman, while P is waiting for hubby, that is if P arrives from the Norf and not the scenique route via Carcassonne. If that is the case we should still be OK because P is a pax on this trip down [:-))]

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